
I hope they didn't come up because you were trying to harvest his lower horn.

I feel like Prometheus was trying to tell a smart and philosophical story, but when audiences tried to engage it on an intellectual level, it was found lacking.
When Pacific Rim tried to do a dumb movie about robots punching monsters, audiences engaged it on a superficial level and could ignore all the dumb things.

I disliked this game for how much it nudged you into using stealth. Reading this about killing everyone will be nice.

"They have a playfully flirty dynamic that suggests Peggy wouldn’t mind taking that red mustache for a joyride one day."

After trekking half way around the bleak wasteland that is Skyrim or the bleak wasteland that is Fallout3 for a mission, the last thing I want to do is trek all the way back for my reward.
I like the trekking and I think both games do a good job of having plenty of markers pop up on your map to entice you, but I really

I love Milhouse's delivery of "You don't have a factory" in the episode where Bart has a factory and say it all the time for no reason.
Also, "It's like Speed 2, but with a bus instead of a boat!"

It wasn't as good as the book.
From what I remember. I've only seen it once and have only read the book once, both over a decade ago.

Futurama commented on itself (and a lot of other great shows) in the fourth/last season when they corss over with Star Trek and Fry say, "Another great science fiction show cancelled before its time."

These days it's 99.9% playing games through my 2.1 home theater setup. Used to use a 5.1 computer speaker setup in the office, but I like playing games on the couch more these days (yes, I use a controller to play PC games).
I usually just listen to whatever is in the game. Some things, like getting past dozens of

After ~ 2 seconds of searching:

My sister's 3-year old daughter came over and became obsessed with my Nerf guns. They're still a little too difficult for her to arm herself, but I think she might be getting a small pistol for Christmas!

But we see Bruce Wayne scribbling dark images in a notebook while listening to heavy metal. That's showing us that he's an angry young boy, not telling!

I have this, which is a really nice hardcover if not exactly oversized like Marvel's omnibus line.

Wait, BATMAN?!
Everyone loves Batman!

It's totally the doing of a young intern knowing full well what they were doing and not giving a fuck.

Shit, I put 12 hours into Rayman Legends this weekend and spent half of it swearing at my TV. That's far from indie…

Thanks for spoilering that Walter White has cancer!

It's jokes! *smiles*

No, I get it. I'm just curious for me own self why it took me a few episodes for it to click. I even do like westerns and sci-fi, so seems like something I would have gone ga-ga over from the get go.