
Blade Runner.

It took me a couple of episodes to really get that show (wasn't sure what it was before hitting play), but now I love it. I now think I was stupid for not loving it from the get-go.

I took the question to mean at face value something that you will avoid at all costs and thoungt "Greg Land 'artwork'". Though, I would probably avoid someone devoted to Greg Land's "art" just as much as I avoid the work itself.

Because: MacGuffin.

Fallout 3/New Vegas?
You have the same gameplay set in the same universe, but following different characters in a different location. Dunno if that counts.

Aw, damn, teared up just reading this review.

It has a lot of style that sucks you in, especially if you marathon the entire season in a weekend with little time to give critical analysis.

Then you get guys like this who manage to mess even that up.

The Vindictives are amazing. They actually put out a few things in the last couple of years. The mono-flexi EP isn't great, but I dig their 13 minute Holloween medly, the unweildly "Triskaideckaphobia" Halloween for Vincent Price: JERK-O-LANTERN

For a split second, I thought snowboarding was something kinky. Damn this column.

The only celebrity death that really affected me was Vonnegutt's. I sometimes run across a random obituary to him and still choke up a little.

I think part of the reasoning behing Super Mario All Stars was to reuse the assets of Super Mario World on all the games instead of fitting four whole games on a single cartridge (though I don't know the relative limits of NES vs SNES carts, so maybe there was pleanty of space to do so).

Have you really looked at the IMDb top 250? There's some great stuff on there, but it tends to skew to the 20-something guys on the internet demographic.

That was either later in this scene or another one later in the movie, but it was with them fighting in the parking lot and two guys come out and watch. We go back and see it later with Edward Norton punching himself and the two guys thinking he's crazy.

Cool story.

Greg Land is awful, but not because he "copies" or "traces", but that he does it in such a way as to make the final work completely lifeless and without emotion. Also, "O" faces.
I'm perfectly fine with an artist using those techniques, especially under the deadlines that mainstream comic book artists work with, but

"If you like this one band and type of songs, then this album is for you" is sure a great argument as to why this album is inessential.

RE: Magic the Drinking.
What do you do when you gain life? Skip your next drink?

Having players in a casual game print up all the Black Lotuses they want and sticking them into card sleeves sounds like a great idea! I know that sounds sarcastic, but I'm serious.
What turned me off of the game after playing it for a few years was the lack of "collectability" in the CCG. Not in the sense that rare

I wanted to play that back in high school, but my friend that I played with is the competetive sort and started hanging out with other competetive players and I stopped caring about Magic soon after.
He's the same way with fighting games and it put me off hanging out at arcades. :/