
Yeah, but with Magic, the "right" way of playing a deck is generally tied to who has spent the most money to get the "right" cards. In chess, you an your opponent are on equal footing.

"Or was it a plot that was lifted from the 1960s TV show?"
Oh, shit, you have just explained to me why this movie is so great!

That is my one and only problem with this movie.

That almost goes so far beyond distracting into almost amazing.

That almost goes so far beyond distracting into almost amazing.

Really obvious product placements. Some that is specifically remember are cars in Fringe (a long lingering shots of Ford logos as the car drives away; Olivia demonstrating the Chevy Volt's range finder gps thingy while explaining how she drive pretty far on a charge) and Warehouse 13 (Claudia talking about how awesome

Really obvious product placements. Some that is specifically remember are cars in Fringe (a long lingering shots of Ford logos as the car drives away; Olivia demonstrating the Chevy Volt's range finder gps thingy while explaining how she drive pretty far on a charge) and Warehouse 13 (Claudia talking about how awesome

It's not an all or nothing affair.  Streaming Netflix works just fine for me when I want to watch something quickly with little hastle.  If I see something I really like and will probably watch again, I can go out and buy the DVD.

I still get some drivers for cheap electronics on CD3. Never use the format, though, because, you know, the internet exists and I can just d/l what I need.

"Did we gain anything from all the "start three days later, then jump back in time" nonsense? I don't think we did. And I think the ending would've been more entertaining if we hadn't been prepared for it."

Odds of Specialty Cards
"I was more interested in the back, which includes a list of the odds of finding specific specialty cards in the pack."

@Two Fucks for Bela

Dave Sim is a master cartoonist and does great things with his art and his lettering and is a really funny guy, but he holds some deep, repressed feelings against women. As much as I love Cerebus, I find myself feeling bad for reading it because it advocates ideas that I don't agree with. The work is too

Not gonna lie…
…I like Throwing Copper. Not so much anything else the band has done, but Throwing Copper is one of the first few CDs I've ever bought and they hold a special place in my memories. I probably listen to it as much as Pearl Jam's Vitalogy (my very first CD).

Hey, Gerard Way…
…write more comics! Give up this rock and roll lifestyle. You know you wanna.

I liked the first album for a long time, but I can't really listen to it any more. It's very much a product of the times.

"The patient, who never really establishes an identity, at least has a semi-decent mystery to hold our attention."

I'm loving this series. I'm a bit younger than you (Steven), so I have an attachment to this music, but I'm not as knowledgable of how it fits in the greater social spectrum. It's nice to see that dimension.

I'm going through Firefly again…
… and thanks to Dollhouse, I'm always a tad nervous anytime Wash is on screen.

Stone Temple Pilots
I loved these guys in high school, more than Pearl Jam and Nirvana. Owned all their albums and a few bootlegs. Then, for a while, I got into Pearl Jam more thanks to a superfan roommate. Later, I "rediscovered" Nirvana and that kinda led me into punk and I never looked back. I totally forgot