
Sweet Dreams
Well, not you've got me listening to Marlyn Manson at work. My co-workers and I thank you.

Perry Bible Fellowship
Tasha, there are two PBF books released, but seeing as the second book contains all the strips from the first book, it's a moot point.

I only pumped $30 into L4D two months ago and already got more than my money's worth. I've been playing L4D2 for five days and have pretty much gotten my $45 worth out of the sequel. ($5 discount, plus free shipping, plus a $10 gift certificate from Amazon? Fuck, yeah!). I am in no way saddened that I paid for

As much as Indiana Jones (set pre/during WWII) feels timeless, yes. I'm not saying it's not a period piece, but that you can enjoy it outside of that context.

I, too, saw this for the first time in years this summer and was underwhelmed. I didn't hate it, but a lot of it was clumsy and full of 80's nostalgia. Things like Indiana Jones (which I haven't seen in over ten years until I bought the DVDs two years ago) and Back to the Future (which I also watched this summer for

How long has Dean been sporting the beginnings of a mustache?

I hate Ocean's 12, but not for the groan inducing Julia Roberts scene. The whole movie is set up to be a fake out, but there are no clues to said fake out until it is explained to the audience.

Random Observations
- Is anyone else shocked that so many of the chefs smoke? I'd think they'd want to keep better care of their taste buds.

Brave and Bold
The second story of Brave and Bold was really good and kept me buying the book, but the Supergirl/Raven thing is probably the worst thing that I own.

I can tell you I have never used a five paragraph essay after my junior year in high school. My senior year English teacher flat out told us he would fail us if we tried to use that style and I never looked back.

Vonnegut/Books and Punk Rock
I read a lot in high school, but I stuck to Stephen King when reading for pleasure and we skipped a lot of classics in class. We spent Junior year writing five paragraph essays in preparation for a test (a skill I was told would cause automatic failure if I used it my Senior year). I

Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon
There are critics of Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon's art? I'm honestly surprised. I have liked their work very much since reading Casanova. I think it looks great either colored or black and white. It's bold and clean and easily readable. I'm excited to see them working on BPRD once the TPB

Heh, this is awesome news. I saw The Adventure Begins in the 90's and "loved" it. Probably one of the first movies that I liked for how stupid it was.

Granola Bars
Yeah, this isn't exactly junk food, but I miss granola bars not covers in chocolate, chocolate chunks, chocolate chips, or a combination thereof. For a while, Quaker Oats made an apple/berry bar that was super good. Too bad healthy granola bars couldn't stand up to chocolate.

Against Me!
If I heard Against Me!'s Reinventing Axl Rose for the first time now, I'd love it instantly. When I first heard it, however, I was just experimenting with punk rock. My friend lent me the CD and I didn't like it. I heard it in his car a handful of times over the next two months and didn't like it. Then

I like glamourpuss. It's art is very nice to look at, the biographical parts are interesting, and the fashion magazine stuff is funny despite being sexist (which you should expect from Sim).

Big Fish
I don't remember crying at a movie except maybe Neverending Story when I was like 6, but the movie that brought me the closest was Big Fish. Probably due to watching it not long after my dad had a heart attack and I was still dealing with those issue.

I only have one GBA game, so the loss of the slot wouldn't directly effect me, but it does hurt the ability to add peripherals like the Guitar Hero "guitar."

David Copperfield
I remember watching a David Copperfield special when I must have been 5 or 6 where he disappeared in a tornado of fire in the Bermuda Triangle. So much dread up until that moment; so much fear afterwards.

"Baby, it's not my fault!"
"You slept with my best friend and then told me about it."
"Yeah, but don't shoot the messenger!"