
I highly recommend Robocop vs Terminator with zero irony.

Lately? I got sick of Alex Ross like 10 years ago.

Wait, why is Matador paying for this and not the publisher that was dealing with a song they didn't have the rights to? I don't see what Matador did that was wrong.

Blade Runner. I like everything about Blade Runner (the director, the actor, the sci-fi setting, the writer of the original story), but I fall asleep every time I try to watch the film. It's just so dull and boring. I don't get what people like about it.

Cool, I'll keep it in mind if I find the need to have something more complex.

None of the articles that I've read mentioned it, but this is also a decent video editor. I don't know how it compares to a professional setup, but it strikes me as perfect for the amateur that gets by on GIMP and Audacity. Glad I gave it a go!

Would you say that the word "sexperience" is clonnoying?

Okay, maybe Gravity was better in 3D than 2D. I haven't really seen it since and I thought the visuals were the best part of the movie. Though I was distracted by the 3D a handful of times (especially blurriness when things were moving fast across the screen).

So you're saying articles about Avatar are as forgettable as Avatar itself?

I vaguely remember a booth at a comic con a year or two ago that let you dress up and take photos in a 3D "alien" environment based on Avatar. There's still some interest in the visuals, at least. I never hear anyone talking about it, though.

Looking at Amazon, you can still definitely get blue "alien" fleshlights.

It wasn't worth watching WITH 3D!

Yeah, same. Feels like a lot of filler to me and I don't listen to it often as a result. I have the same feelings about all the Outkast albums everyone loves: some great songs and a lot of the running time I just want to skip, so I end up only listening to the hits.

Circular saw, not chainsaw.

So a croquembouche isn't a "French Freedom Tower" anymore, but a "Freedom French Tower"?

OH. I thought they were his boyfriend's, implying that guy was dead.

I'm saddened that there is no examination of the Blade soundtrack.

It goes into Bruce Banner when he turns into The Hulk.

comiXology runs like 4-6 sales every week (one DC, one or two Marvel, a handful from other companies). If you're patient, it's cheaper than buying the trades. Image comics dropping to $2/each after a couple of months makes them cheaper than trades without the sales.

Basically, Marvel Unlimited is like Netflix: you pay a monthly fee and get access to their entire catalog. Not a lot of other companies have something similar. I think Archie does. Scribd introduced something similar, but with a much smaller selection. If you don't mind the delay, MU is a great way to read Marvel