Getting free shit and posting pictures of yourself with it isn’t labor
Getting free shit and posting pictures of yourself with it isn’t labor
Upgrading it to murder pretty much ensures she will walk, this seems like grandstanding for attention at the expense of the conviction. For a manslaughter charge in Texas the prosecution only has to prove they caused the death of another individual from acting recklessly. For murder they have to prove she…
In my experience there are two types of shoppers, those who meander and are therefore more likely to pick up impulse buys, and those who go in to get exactly what they need while knowing exactly where the items are, retrieve them and check out. They lose out on potential revenue from group 2 for obvious reasons so by…
I appreciate “journalist as a child” in conjunction with “Filed to: Hopey Changey Stuff”... Nothing says mature professional like low minded drivel...
Based on “whether participants had tried to have any physical contact with their former partners, how emotionally attached they still were, and how they felt after each day,” I have to ask the question if the people being surveyed were the ones who initiated the breakups, were the ones initiating the contact or if…
Not to mention Lewinsky was the least of the allegations against Bill in so far as sexual abuse or assaults go. I remember its up to more than a dozen credible accusers from various points in his political career by now but I don’t think it reached two dozen. People rightly attack Trump’s SCOTUS nomination for an…
While I agree with the sentiment I’m not sure that I’d bring Clinton up in a conversation of past sexual assaults and believing survivors. Considering Willie has ~15 separate women who have accused him of sexual assault over the years, and Hillary helped bury them and attack their characters to defend him it seems…
I was often told by my grandfather “Anyone who has decided who they are voting for, before they know the candidates are idiots”... I feel it really does hold true today and american politics is essentially a tug of war between herds of sheep. I am a centrist, but constantly being told I don’t exist by one side and…
Honestly its brilliant for a second reason, when Nike was brought up a month ago it was probably over their third world and overseas exploitation of cheap labor. You know, things the left generally looks down on. They use Kaepernick for advertisements and suddenly all of that exploitation is secondary. The left is…
They get bonuses, rewards and incentives for reaching preorder quotas. They have had abysmal pre-orders and are currently lagging behind Black Ops 4 by 85% (previous releases were withing 20%). Partially due to being sandwiched between RD and BO4 and partially due to the PR crap from earlier in the year. They need the…
shhh, compromise is a 4 letter word here...
“As we’ve seen time and time and time again, there are some people will go to great lengths to find something, literally anything, to be outraged over.”
Found One! Seriously, chill. Why do you feel that you should have a say over his choices? You acknowledge its a shit environment, that he’s trying to insulate himself…
Here is the big example people are running across. I want to play fortnite on my PS4 when I’m home but my switch when I’m out or my sibling/spouse/child/etc is using the TV. I can either have 2 accounts which are completely separate or I can go to xbox when I can use the same profile on Xbox, switch, PC etc. The fact…
“possibly armed”? He shot at them... That doesn’t tend to extend one’s lifespan...
You know, I always view it as a massive pendulum that swings back and forth. On one side you have the political correctness taken to the Nth degree where its essentially thought policing. The other end of the pendulum’s arc is being able to say whatever you want, whenever you want regardless of consequences. And…
Nah, what we need is to encourage a little bit of natural selection. People are more willing to do dumb shit when there is little risk to themselves, like driving a nice new car with every safety feature available to protect the one behind the wheel. These features make natural selection have to really work to get its…
I know this is a bit of a stretch before posting dumb comments, but check the pictures in the original article and read it. Those white lines in the grass for pic #1 here, are just about inline with the mustang’s rear tire can be seen in pictures on the original article as a crosswalk ramp through the grass. That…
Yeah, way too much of his phrasing makes him sound like a child predator, whether its simply financial or possibly sexual is the concern. Referring to her as a youth (legally defined as 15-24), speaking about her maturity, false-equivalency justifications... We see these behaviors regularly in “mentors” who insert…
Not to mention spending the three months leading into the election repeating “we must accept the results of the election”, benefiting from the DNC rigging the primary for her and then immediately decrying the results of the election and still doing so more than a year later. She isn’t doing herself any favors.
That is probably one of the larger aspects of what is going on. People talk about athletes getting paid millions because of their superhuman athleticism while the fact is the payout is probably just as much to do with hazard pay. These colossal hits and heavy injuries are generally followed by “he knew the risks” “its…