Utah Jazz Hands

The American right believes something based on no evidence whatsoever? I can’t clutch my pearls hard enough, so shocked I am.

For the record, Vanbiesbrouck is actually best remembered for inexplicably still being the starting Rangers goalie in NHL 94, forcing me to manually bench him for Richter every time I played.

Northern Ontario is more or less Northern Florida only with moose instead of alligators.

We’ve gotten ourselves into this mess by underestimating how much Trump is willingly acting. He does most things, and says many outlandish things, on purpose, to elicit extreme reactions. He’s openly lying about the FBI investigation, not because he doesn’t know the facts, but because he’s actively trying to undermine

The player will have to be determined to have made a “socially conscious move” while in the action of kneeling.

The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.

Lemme check my notes: so you have to stand for the anthem out of respect, but it’s cool to mock Vietnam vets for being POWs.

“and we received a call asking when we close. What kind of business would we be if we posted hours, kept it open for those hours, and responded to requests as to what our hours are?”

“Dykstra’s attorney, Curt Schilling, was quoted as saying, “I look forward to proving my client’s nolo contendrence in a court of law opinion, and I will be collecting food and blankets for Nails in an old truck and driving it to the side of the road somewhere in the middle of Delaware. My license plate will be

A bag of heroin short of the cycle.

Meanwhile nobody is remotely surprised that your idiotic response to this comment was the first one, for obvious reasons.

All these public outbursts are beginning to make me think Richie Incognito may be adopted.

Reading this collection of mild, unoriginal needling is restoring my faith in humanity. I didn’t see even one person wish death on Barry’s entire family over a hockey game. What a refreshing departure.

This is a very tame bunch of Dead Letters, minus the last one. Hockey fans can’t even be terribly impolite when roasting a writer for his grossly incorrect preseason takes.

To Barry’s credit, this is by far the worst season in the history of the franchise, so he was at least right about that.

Not enough name calling and misspelled words. Are we sure these are actual Dead Letters?

What’s great is that he isn’t even the MOST racist lawyer...because he’s Jewish so there is definitely a Trump Supporter out there who not only hates everyone he hates...but also hates him.

And yet, all you have to do to not flush your life down the toilet publicly is to simply avoid being an asshole, but so many people find this strategy absolutely baffling.

If the NY Post is giving you a hard time about racially insensitive remarks then you truly are the bottom of the barrel.