Utah Jazz Hands

I felt hungover just from reading the word “Rumpelminze”

Your syllogism doesn’t work. While Gacy is an undisputed CLOWN SERIAL KILLER, in order to find a parallel to the Pats and a serial killer you are going to have to go Britain. Harold Shipman. Brilliant. Educated. Charming. 250 people dead and counting. He’s Brady and Belichick all rolled up in one.

Got some bad news for you, buddy. Foo Fighters was Dad Rock the moment it was created.

Yes they fucking will

I mean, I love me some Semi-Charmed Life and all but one of those things is definitely not like the others

The most idiotic thing in all of sports is this comment.

Look at all these people. They actually think they’re having fun! Can you believe it?

You’re right, we should definitely turn our attention to the bounce pass.

Moreover, as a nonessential employee, Blake Bortles will also not be available for tomorrow’s game.

He has the advantage of only having to ski across a very small country. Canada’s fucked.

“The evidence will show that no MSU official believed that Nasser committed sexual abuse prior to the newspaper reports in the summer of 2016"

Unsurprisingly this is the experience in every single competitive online game. I mean ffs I was cussed out for bidding too high in a spades app once.


Never trust anyone who speaks in superlatives.

May you have all the stars they couldn’t.

You contradicted yourself there. You want subscribers to meet the Ad revenue threshold...yet you dont care about it and do it out of love... but that inability to monetize took the wind out of your sails? SSo if you love it...how does this discourage you unless you care about money. Do you do realize that even at 1k

I mean, you were working for 25 bucks a year before this change anyway.

Fuck is wrong with you ppl.

Some people don’t think its funny, or a tragedy. It’s a weak person or a mentally ill person that couldn’t handle life and made a choice to end it. And you sure as fuck don’t define the world for the rest of us, so shove your hallmark card comment right the fuck up your own ass. If I want to make a joke like “Reports

They lost by 18 and he had 12 turnovers. Super fucking impressive. I look forward to you braying idiots circle jerking about how awesome buddy heild is.