Utah Jazz Hands

The Winter Games?

Counters by humorless commenters are also Deadspin standard. We’ll hit the trifecta if we can work in a ‘Haisley sucks’ take.

That’s the best humblebrag I’ve read in years.

Live in Honolulu: girl friend stumbled out of the bathroom to ask if I got the alert. I told her I did, but not to worry. I’ve lived in Hawaii for about 25 years, you come to expect massive fuck ups. It’s part of the charm of our government.

This is so stupid. Excuses excuses excuses.

It’s been so long since I last experienced a Rom Roberts comment

These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is

Um, Johnny Manziel isn’t a woman.

Regional/Historical Character Team Rankings 2017-2018:

I think you mean Jeremy Shockey. They did get Olsen that year, but I don’t think he has any visible tattoos. Just a third leg.

This actually reminds me of a funny jaguar joke:

The gal I’m stuck watching football with would instead ask what’s on HGTV and why in the hell I hadn’t yet emptied the dishwasher.

Amazing to think this guy is only 15 years old.

Who cares, the retro mash-up Bills uniform is pretty rads.

He’s just fission for clicks.

The fact that this was shot in the concourse of Hard Rock stadium in Miami makes it that much sweeter.

This times a thousand. It’s incredible how awful the live game experience is unless you are getting aggressively drunk. It’s not just alcohol, I love alcohol, it’s that the worst kinds of drunks are empowered to set the tone and culture of an NFL game.

It has to be uppity black people. It certainly isn’t the cost of tickets/parking/concessions; poor responses to domestic violence and brain trauma; that no one knows what a catch is; that the league’s punishment is inconsistent and makes the commissioner look like a idiot; that the league has saturated the market with

That Apple iPad girl? She’s lying. She knows what a computer is. Don’t play dumb with me, little girl. Typing away on an iPad in a Brooklyn backyard is sucky and you know it. Get a real laptop.