Literally no one is saying the anthem is about police. Leave that poor strawman alone.
Literally no one is saying the anthem is about police. Leave that poor strawman alone.
Are you a veteran? I am not, but the ones I have spoken to personally don’t have a problem with anthem protests. Hell, a bunch of old salty vets took a knee at a community meeting during the anthem in solidarity with the players. You sure seem eager as shit to speak for thousands of men and women with one broad stroke.
Yeah Hoss, slightly different scenarios in that your scenario involves humans with agency and free will and my scenario involves fucking dogs.
The Browns players involved were Coleman, Britt, and Kizer, so says Cleveland 19. Pretty much the usual suspects.
Philly fans are passionate man, they’ve gotta hammer somebody.
This is expert level trolling if intentional.
Steve Kerr is America’s Greatest Sports Dad.
That’s just what happens when people try to push themselves to The Edge.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion, sir, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to it.
Did anyone ask for yet another trite “get off my lawn” Kinja comment? Just don’t click if you don’t want to read and move on with your fucking life, guy.
We are definitely used to one of those two things.
Man,when are these Steelers WR gonna stop shooting themselves in the foot?
+1 Western Sizzler
I’m just ‘bout that hatction, boss.”
Do yourself a favor and do NOT read the replies to that linked Rodrigue tweet. I don’t know what her offensive tweets where, and maybe they were awful, but good lord Twitter is an absolute cesspool. I don’t understand why so many celebrities and media folks use it daily.
Yeah, I definitely understand that this is a major issue, but Aaron Hernandez is not a very sympathetic vehicle on which to hitch the wagon to get the point across.
So you think the guys that play and make money in these tournaments have no grasp of reality, but the kids that pay money to come WATCH and don’t even participate are the smart ones? Interesting.