Utah Jazz Hands

Even ESPN can back its way into a smart move every now and then, I guess. More Doris Burke, Jess Mendoza, and Sarah Spain, and less screaming red-faced morons please. These three can run circles around most of the ESPN on air talent when it comes to play-by-play and analysis.

“#this was going to get denied anyway, so why get into details!”

Now watch as opposing teams start to slide into Chandler’s DMs...we are talking about Defensive Mismatches, right?

“Thanks for your take good care of, Chairman!”

Thibodeau would have upped Portis’ minutes and accused Mirotic of being “soft.”

Go ‘Hoos

“As fine as you can expect?” He won the fucking World Series last year?!

If anybody seriously wants him gone, they are idiots. Sign that man for as long as he wants to manage.

As soon as my handle popped up in a popular Twitch streamer feed in a negative way I would basically be staring out my window waiting for the SWAT team or something else insane from doxxing to pop up.

Fuck now I can’t read my own joke without doing an exaggerated Dennis Miller impression/head bob

They totally lost because of on the road. Just before the game, Syracuse’s coach was pumping the guys up by saying “the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn,

Here’s your fucking star, Jeff.

I haven’t seen a less enthusiastic rush of the field since The Battle of the Somme.

Those shitty tattoos qualify him for a degree in Rural Sociology, can’t imagine he needed the intro course.

Typical Trump Supporter: “I don’t give a shit if she is married to the Commish. I googled her and she is on the side of those god damned chimpanzees every time. Oh, GoodELL. Never mind, then, hyuck.”

I don’t think anyone but the biggest homers would have said the Giants would be THAT good, but I looked up SI’s preseason predictions and they were definitely a sexy NFC championship game pick for several writers. More importantly, check out Greg Bishop and his kiss o’ death predictions:

Not like Rodgers has great receivers, but I wonder what kind of numbers he would realistically put up with Wheaton (0 catches as a Bear / hands like cinder blocks), Kendall Wright, and something called a “Tre McBride” at WR.

I always thought the Asian Swing was when you danced the Lindy Hop to Takemitsu.

They wouldn’t need a QB if they hadn’t passed on Watson in last year’s draft! Luckily, Jamal Adams looks to be pretty legit.