Utah Jazz Hands

Last time I tried this I got awfully Agassi

I am shocked that people think someone dying on the field in an NFL game would have much effect beyond all teams wearing a black patch or something on their sleeves for the remainder of the regular season.  

I USED to be this sick at golf, but then I took an arrow in the knee...

Why do 18 year olds in the 1970's always look like 2017-era 40 year olds?

There’s no way he gets out on bond, he’s a total Flyer risk.

I guess when you’re a fringe Cowboy, people can just walk all over you.

That top image is just begging for the RKO photoshop treatment

Hi, welcome to Deadspin - “where every story contains at least one or two asinine comments along the lines of “WHO CARES?””

Wow he lived through a nuclear holocaust? hardy guy.

Fuck I mean who wants to wade through this trash just to get to the REAL stories about videos of bears, Oddibe McDowell’s water bill, and Brazilian soccer men tugging each other in the showers.

Is that the state license plate slogan?


Aren’t drafts at restaurants and bars capped at 3.2% ABV and you can’t order a liquor drink at a restaurant without ordering food or something? And you can’t buy above 3.2% beer in grocery stores or gas stations? No liquor store sales on Sunday? I may be a high functioning alcoholic but these rules offend my

DOES GORDON HAYWARD PRACTICE POLYGAMY? Of course I meant by “poly” and “games” that Hayward played lots of games with the media and Jazz fans. This is not an insinuation that Hayward does in fact have many wives, and the notion that it is such a statement is, frankly, ridiculous. This is a sprotz blog, not a

I haven’t seen that much wasted movement since High School Musical

Not very smooth. I was always taught by my Uncle Ritchie that to dance with the Bamba, one needs a bit of grace.

Yeah, but with like 10% less cash than he had on him before.

According to Doug Adler, she was driving like a god damned guerrilla was behind the wheel.

Why did I just watch this entirely uneventful Hatton intro?

Dexter Fowler just got put on the DL for a bone spur he says has bothered him his entire career, SOUNDS PRETTY FISHY TO ME