Utah Jazz Hands

Have you seen boxing gloves vs. UFC gloves? Have you seen Mayweather get hit hard regularly for his last 49 fights? I don’t know much about the sport(s) so I am not going to say it isn’t possible he catches Mayweather on the button and knocks him out, but UFC fight comparisons just aren’t that compelling.

Driving into a train intentionally would be a pretty loco motive

Anyone who has watched him play lately could see this coming. He was spending way too much time in the drink.

Cuba had to one up Dominican players like Miguel Tejada who lied about their age by sending us a prospect that is literally a hologram.

I don’t have a dog in this fight as a Bulls fan (pauses for laughter...) but I would not be very excited about the prospect of drafting Lonzo Ball at #2 and his permanent eye roll of a dad is only one of those reasons. A janky shot that he has to wind up from his waist doesn’t help. The #2 pick from the last several

I’d give him an AAA for effort

“He just wants an outlet.” - Schilling’s bankruptcy lawyers, to Court.

Any word on the details for the protest of the event on campus since it will include prayer?

This is not relevant to the Funbag but I just finished Drew’s book The Hike and it was fucking great. Quality early-mid-life crisis-white-guy reading.

Yeah because people that live in Denver aren’t used to overpaying for things

When my great aunt was sick, she stayed with us for a while. Every time she had a bad coughing fit, I would make sure to come check and her, grab her a water, and punch her in the face a couple times. She couldn’t shake the illness and passed, but I am sure she would have thanked me for checking on her so often if

I spent most of my adult life in baseball parks. I have never seen someone’s ankle start bleeding profusely. For somebody to bleed enough for Schilling to be seen on the mound, other people would have been able to confirm it.

There’s nothing like the smug condescension of this post coupled with the brain-numbing admission that until a year or two ago, you didn’t understand that pro football was absolute hell on the human body.

That’s exactly why I hate it. If you want to go draft the QB you think can be the franchise player of the future, fine. I can’t say I know enough that he is destined to fail. But why spend 19 million to get one year from a guy you know you want to cut after a season anyway? Is Glennon THAT much better than Hoyer or

I have the MLB package, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. Five years ago, I would have said that ESPN is absolutely a legitimate reason for keeping cable. Every time I turn on ESPN now, I am aghast at the quality of the programming (unless there is a new 30 For 30 on or something). I anticipate cutting the

I chuckled.

Is your girlfriend 6'10 and 250 lbs.?

The Law Offices of Hackenburg Petty & McCown - If you need a check now, check down with McCown

According to online jail records, Brock was still in jail this afternoon.

Is she not allowed to testify because she’s a woman, because she is Brazilian, or because she is conventionally attractive? I’m going to need to see a Venn diagram on this HOT TAEK