Utah Jazz Hands

Let me start by saying I am sorry for your loss and sharing football with your dad is a cool thing that I wish I got to enjoy.

This is ridiculous. The Bears allowed Chris Conte to hobble around in the defensive backfield for years, so they can’t say they didn’t give disabled players a chance.

Does the USMNT have a mascot/nickname?

Don’t give up hope. I would have said the same thing when I started following UVA basketball in the early 2000's, and they have come a long way. Not exactly a powerhouse, but at least I don’t have to watch Pete Gillen flopsweat up and down the sideline any more.

Based on my knowledge of the metric systems, a 10-meter board would be a jump of somewhere between 7 and 130 feet. Either way, impressive.

I was always a Betty over Veronica kinda guy, ifyouknowwhatimean

I chuckled +1

Jock? Walk. Jayhawk.

Who says they are Trump supporters? Is this based solely on “white,” “male,” and “Texas?”

More compelling than anything I have seen on Screamer in months, sorry Haisley.

These god damn seven-figure earning part-time social media editor and bloggers think they can get away with anything because they are the head honchos of their companies, well THINK AGAIN

“One time I had a shitload of excess ice I had to melt, so I dumped it in the sink, put on a kettle, and poured boiling water all over it.”

I am really sorry that me not enjoying this game is having such a personal effect on you. Now kindly fuck off, guy.

I can’t make a big enough wanking motion/eye roll to accurately reflect my reaction to someone telling me “that’s what video games are.”

Hah. I appreciate the effort put into this comment. Re: McRee, I think I thought I had to target the most amount of people I could before the reticle shrank down to nothing? I probably only tried out like 6-7 of the characters before I gave up, so I am sure some are even more tricky to figure out. I don’t know,

For a game that I heard from so many people was a gateway drug for multiplayer FPS games, I found Overwatch to have a pretty high bar to entry. Who has time to play as each of the 23 characters in a bot-match or whatever to figure out what their abilities are? They really just throw you in and expect you to figure

I was amazed that it was that GOOD. I really saw him on the tail end of his career where he was more in the .220-230 BA range, and even THEN his defense was so good it made sense to keep him on the field.

I agree with all this. Oh and fuck Curt Schilling.

I enjoy this immensely. I went and glanced at the stats and even though I saw him play for probably the last 10 years of his 21 year (!) career, I would not have guessed he was a career .296 hitter. He had some awesome early years.

+1 this needs more love