Utah Jazz Hands

Don’t boost the Kinja mentions of The SubBlog That Shall Not Be Named, lest it be allowed to stick around and fester like a wound.

Ah, yes. The “Bol-cut.”

I am offended by the insinuation that I can’t be a crushing disappointment to my wife and kids just because they are white.

Of all the terrible things about this article, I will pick on the least troubling: “He has an opportunity to prove that the wonderful second chance that he was given by the University of Oklahoma, Coach Stoops, and Coach Gundy and the athletic department and the school president.” THAT IS NOT A SENTENCE! PROVE THAT

Let It Die is a vast liberal conspiracy to usher in massive voter fraud.

Read an interesting article recently about how California’s economy is so big and there are so many people that the state gov’t can establish laws that have a ripple effect all over the country (e.g., setting emission standards for cars - which car manufacturers will then meet for all vehicles sold in all 50 states

Of the top 7 links on DS right now, three are either sponsored posts or KINJA DEALS(!!!) for an automatic bread slicer or whatever, and two more are cross posts from other blogs including one story about a car dealership mascot.

I just had dinner with someone who was living in Thailand for 6 months or so and just got back, and she was slamming some shrimp tempura, tails and all. The fact that they were fried made it a LITTLE better, but...no thanks...I wonder if that is common in Southeast Asia?

damn, thats hard core.

A story about Newt Gingrich’s methods of serving his first wife with divorce papers has “really damaged the discourse in this nation?” I just want you to read that and really let it sink in, given everything we hear regularly from the PEOTUS. Mocking women, LGBTQ folks, religious and racial minorities, and backing

Make America Greet Again

I am from Southern Illinois and where I come from deer are basically bigger, stupider rats. We can spare several hundred thousand to release all over NYC if that’s what they want.

+1 this deserves to be framed in a museum

This kid had so much trouble checking him that @jahbuckets_30 is now known around his school as “The Privilege.”

I can’t believe I am saying this, but I don’t think Kaep gives you a much better chance to win than fucking Matt Barkley.

That is weird. With his reputation, I would have expected him to get all defensive.

And yet still nothing in the CBA banning domestic violence. smdh

I think Dabo’s southern drawl may have confused some of his players during the pre-game speech when he told them that he wanted them “to play hard-r” during the game.

I would never use that term, sir. You are both a scholar and a gentleman.

This is funny because I also pee a lot, but I pee FOREVER. Probably need to get the ‘ol prostate checked out, but that’s neither here nor there. My friends say as soon as I drink a 12 oz. beer I take a 16 oz. piss.