Utah Jazz Hands

Who ungreyed Johnny Manziel over here?

Jesus Christ, that quote is in support of the players and against the police telling the players they don’t have a right to protest. Try reading comprehension before jumping up on that fucking high horse.

Bills Mafia is an anagram of Small Fibia, which, when combined with the actor portrayed here falling over in Bills gear due to his underdeveloped bones, is meant to be a metaphor for the team’s inability to “get a leg up” on the competition. It’s commentary, sheeple.

“Time to take a ride on the E.AC., dude!”

Wait, you insist on commenting on stories that you hate, by journalists you don’t respect, who make no mystery about their political leanings that don’t happen to align with yours, about minor details that do nothing to change the message of the article? Typical 2016, “Kinja,” folks.

Uninformed? Yes. Painfully reductive? Yes. But, harmful? Yes.

Very well-written and reported, a tip of the cap to you, Diana.

“Oh, shit! There’s an Idiot on the Field...Wait, is that his cell phone number? Let’s call it!

I eat seeds in my office sometimes but I can’t shake the feeling that everyone walking by thinks I am an asshole, like “OK buddy, a Clif bar or a pack of Nip Chee crackers aren’t good enough for you, you gotta spit seeds in there like you are fucking Tommy Lasorda...”

He is really Samoan ‘em down.

I imagine this is a nightmare for players like Russell Wilson who don’t see color at all.

Barkley was the Round Mound of Rebound. Griffin is The Downed Brown of Rehab.

Louisville is ranked #13 so if they keep winning I don’t see that as a problem. It’s also a lot harder to put up Heisman stats on a team whose D gave up an average of around 20 ppg last season and only one bad loss in conference (other two to Clemson and FSU, borderline top 10 at the time) vs. a squad that did not

Well, Rommel had some impressive victories in Northern Africa, clearly, but he was up against Great Britain for Christ’s sake . . .

I say we can go where we want to

Ive always chuckled at how “hirsute” sounds just like “hair-suit.” That is all.

....As opposed to what? Butterfli? Buttersfly?

Jameis’ suggestion of #SurrenderTheBooty was quickly nixed.

I agree with TurdSandwiches.

“Obviously you are too quick to judge. You must be a millennial.”