Utah Jazz Hands

I would say there are plenty of contrasts between a courageous lady holding a demonstration and a shooting in 1966. The most obvious being that one is a demonstration, one is a shooting. I started to read your comments thoughtfully but now am convinced you are just blustering and throwing around words without even

This isn’t what the coaches meant when they asked him to start spraying it to all fields more.

What an egregious handball

How am I supposed to tell without being able to Thiel it?

2008 - 12th place out of 12! Apparently I was really into lanky, tall, underperforming or aging WRs and QBs that can best be described as “suboptimal backups”

A medal rack, Katie? Bryce doesn’t even own A medal, let alone many medals that would necessitate an entire rack. What is Bryce gonna do with a medal rack?

Oh but Al Jolson gets to keep his Philly radio gig? Fucking PC liberals, smdh.

Aubrey is right to give his mom more of a say about the recruiting process. One of Solomon’s old sayings is that A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.

Which is a shame, because he would be the perfect spokesman for the new Tempurpedic “The-details-are-escaping-my Memory Foam” mattress.

How is the inventory management? It seems like that system should be good given what I have seen in the video if the game is going to be worth a big chunk of my time. I have seen a few folks complain that the inventory fills up too fast. Is that a problem if you plan to play slow, and how is the management system in

Yeeeep and this WOULD be tolerable except that Mrs. Jazz Hands also believes that going to bed at the same time is important so its 11 pm+ no more than 2 weeknights, and then go ham on weekends.

Over 500 stars! For a non-joke reply underneath fucking GOLD by sleepyirv. I weep for the commentariat.

Bom Deus! This is quality Kinja +1

This review makes me think I should give it a shot. One of my favorite recent indie games was Firewatch, and people had similar complaints about “lack of depth” but I was absolutely hooked.

I am reading this from my bathroom, which I have dubbed “The Pube Forest.”

I believe he uses locked up to mean “a lock” for the Dodgers. The game was put away. He’s not saying the score was tied.

I like seeing baseball highlights that aren’t just home runs. Ironically, the Chinese Sportscenter is better to watch than the American version if you don’t want a show that just revolves around Zedong.

This is Slide #1 on the PowerPoint slideshow you guys need to present to new ownership to reflect the direction you would like to take right after a title card with some siiiiiiick word art

he better be careful posting all these pics/vids from Iowa or he’s gonna end up with a stalker.

It’s like you can’t even count on quality officiating in Guatemala’s 3rd division anymore smh