Utah Jazz Hands

Fuck off, guy.

According to some site I visit that I can’t remember (Vox maybe?) people that comment on the stories there have only read the actual article like 20-30% of the time. Can’t remember how they figured it out. Maybe average time spent on the article before commenting, or something.

forgot to put them inn*

I haven’t seen a poorer road performance from a Jaguar since Bortles blah blah blah you get it

I think if you have time to perfectly marker your YouTube channel onto your chest before running out on the field, this is not a drunken spur-of-the-moment type thing.

If only there was some way for the Mets coaches, who are on the field live and see the play and can talk to the runner, to ask for some sort of official review to determine whether he was safe or not, but alas, how could we devise such a system?

She skipped college and was waiting tables when her uncle taught her to play guitar on Long Island, so she started the nightclub circuit after writing a few songs. Don’t see where any family wealth helped her at all, but hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your HOT TAEK.

The Bulls finally ditched D-Rose and his gossamer knees, only to replace him with maybe the only guy around the NBA with a more serious history of injuring knees! I fully expect to hear about the free agent signing of Greg Oden later this week.

THANK YOU. I've been telling people for years that Michael Jordan was basically league-average, he just had great stats.

Tip: To get a decent showing of long time DS commenters at next year’s awards show, just throw in some CLE credits.

Loved watching this guy play. Hope to see him back on the CHI sidelines as a DBs coach teaching those youngsters the Peanut Punch. #beardown

I like the guy on the left that comes flying out there with some sort of wooden plank wielded as a weapon, but then he never is brave enough to get closer than 30 feet from that thing (and rightfully so).

/Hample catches 9,000th ball

Maybe Simmons left ESPN because they wanted to devote so much airtime to black O.J.

Why the long face, kid?

I think he’s gonna really cruciate in New York. His jump shot has always left something to be desired, but he can drive and create havoc in the anterior.

Why did 70's dudes have such burly arm hair

and I beat meat to it

Pete Rose is the Mercury Morris of baseball - an aging, desperate, talking head the networks can roll out on slow news days to talk nonsense about how today’s game is soft compared to the old timers or some such irrelevant garbage.