Utah Jazz Hands

7 belt loops as standard? What? Am I insane to think that 5 is totally the standard (2 on hips towards front, 2 on sides, one centered over the buttcrack)?

I can say I am glad this sort of thing rarely happens at sporting events in my home country but, this type of violence is pretty tame compared to the American variety that makes the news.

Statham and Prince-Boateng might have a thing or two to say about that statement.

I blame Kinja

Before everyone starts flying off the rails and twisting this to fit your personalized agenda - let’s just stay focused on the most important aspect of this article: Does Agholor still have an appetite for his favorite foods?

At least now we know what George Zimmerman is selling off his stuff to save up for.

God dammit I miss Greg Howard around here.

Um, I'm pretty sure that he's just talking about it for the terrible sports show it is, the overt racism is just the cherry on top.

You are en fuego.

Joe would have gotten him if it didn't take so long, but the guy in the bathroom was a long reliever.

get out

shut it down. shut it all down. +1

Yes, Dunga, and you must consider the upcoming Olympics. Kaka hasn’t quite been decimating opponents like Brazil’s other famous four-letter export, Zika.

Clunky First Touches is also the title of the memoirs commemorating my teenage years, so the SEO from this article should really boost sales.


Would at least make for great fodder in the daily Deadspin Cardinals updates.

I swear to God when Dellademrlovalova was at St. Mary’s and somehow made like 8 NCAA Tournament appearances before graduating I actually turned to a friend and said “Thank God this is the type of player I never have to worry about seeing in the NBA . . .”

Luckily he left room to add another digit in front of the 2.

17 earned runs! I always thought that middle relievers had the cushiest jobs in professional sports except for maybe NFL punters and god damn it if JJ Hoover isn’t going out there and proving me right every single day.

Hat guy has been trying to catch a foul ball for years but safari can’t manage to get one.