Utah Jazz Hands

Don’t creep on Magary’s turf for book shilling!

Mine would be the other two races of the Triple Crown that are not the Kentucky Derby.

Ha, I guess I should do some more online research before buying indie games. I just paid the $20 or so bucks to buy Gone Home on my PS4 a week before it came out for free to Plus subscribers!

Pretty sure a Mets pitcher getting run for throwing at and missing a guy because of something that happened almost a year ago fits PERFECTLY into Deadspin’s narrative of why the unwritten rules are stupid and LOLMETS fodder, but god forbid facts and logic stand in the way of your blind rage.

I’m going to guess Adam Whinewright. NO, NO, Stephen Pissedoffty. How about Randall Gripechuk? Are you writing this down, THIS IS GOLD

touche, sir.

D’antoni expressed interest in a young team with a lot of cap room, and it doesn’t take a scientist to tell you that the Rockets give you the best chance of getting into space.

Pretty sick burn by the Braves to replace the Cuban defector’s roster spot with a dude named Castro.

“You said it, man!” - Michael Spinks

Said Briles: “Originally the University gave me two weeks to decide to resign, but in true Baylor fashion they decided to go ahead and fuck me whether they had my consent or not.”

Now THIS dude has the right ikea

“Deafening and sadly legal. . .”


Thanks, gonna go ahead and file this away so that when I look back this fall I can point to it and say “this is where it all started going terribly wrong.”

I won’t sit here and quietly let you bash Zimmerman - easily the best one armed player of his generation

This kind of sloppy effort won't go over too well once they finalize a deal with Schilling to become the new Cards manager.

Always figured Jaime Garcia would end up playing basketball instead, he’s got a soft J.

More like Warren G flat, right fellas?....right?

“look, Katie, I used poor judgment when I took your colored pencils without permission, but did you ever think about apologizing for the role you might have played in allowing it to get to that point?”