Utah Jazz Hands

Had to look it up. “The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.”

A Cubs sweep of the Cardinals on 4/20 in 70 degree weather would certainly satisfy all of the me’s in the world.

Harrison, you truly are a gentleman and a scholar.

Many conservatives are calling this effort a complete waste of time, that women in short skirts are “asking for it,” and asking whether we can please get back to the important issues like legislating which bathrooms American adults are required to use in public.

Things got worse when security informed the couple their car had been towed and the crowd chanted “go catch the metro, BART man!”

Less cool than it may seem.

This is hitting dead center on some sort of strange Venn Diagram of my childhood and teenage nostalgia, thanks.

Many MMA fighters died to bring you this informative comment

Good on those roommates who immediately called the cops, must have been really horrible (for the woman most of all, it goes without saying) but also for the roommates who unknowingly walked in from a night of partying to hearing their housemate being attacked.



Oconomowoc? I hear that place is crawling with o’s.

“My career and my life are pretty much over,” he reportedly told arresting officers. Ironically, for Ball - bail is life.


I would gladly trade you my team’s awesome color scheme for that accidental title.

Nothing makes me feel the passage of Father Time like my contemporaries retiring after a decade long, productive professional career. Go Hoos.


This is what I get for enjoying Samer’s Cardinals posts a wee bit too much.

Mark Grace?

Yes! Thank you. That worked.