Utah Jazz Hands

I think this could be a great addition to major league parks. Family friendly because it lets the kids enjoy watching cute birds play, and classy as fuck because then the adults can “Pick Your Own Chicken Tenders.” It’s a win-win.

We missed you Emma!

Ha nice picture. I always thought “those” people hated water and didn't know how to swim? And by those people - I mean Iowans.

Let’s get Simmons and a whiteboard and workshop these beer blog names, baby! Sick Hops? Hops and Hoops? The Nosh with Bosh? Yeasty? Dubbel Dribble? Miami Wheat?

Which only proves that the dumbest person in your bracket pool will inevitably end up winning every damn year.

As far as Sudanese refugee stories go, I think Kiki can still chalk this up as a win.

The fantasy app and stat tracker is a source of near constant frustration

We sure those Twitter handles aren’t backwards? cuz it sounds like Young has been doing most of the D-loading HEY-O

Nantz is a wheat toast guy - except that when he covers the Masters, Nantz insists that his breakfast be served whites-only.

Also a big fan of Caramello by the looks of it.

Also a big fan of Caramello, by the looks of it.

Thanks, I will now proceed to watch this on repeat until it's reasonably safe to duck out of the office.

Holy shit you just spotted the most obscure reference of 2016, a star for you, sir.

Arby’s - “It’s Real Food!”

the Chiefs’ Abdullah said it started getting harder and harder for him to Reid without discomfort.

It's almost as if I shouldn't pour this much energy and emotion into a handful of teams that will inevitably disappoint me year after year, even when they are getting love from national media.....Almost....anyway, go Cubs.

This was just a cheeky blip in what was otherwise a game well under control and then.......

Joel Zumaya missing time with a sore wrist from playing too much Guitar Hero is up there with the all-timers

maybe start by not bragging to strangers through social media about your non-usage of social media if you don’t feel the need for us to know about you.

I’m glad coach K has time for a “teachable moment” for a player that just lit his team up, but can’t be bothered to check his own player who fuckin goes for dudes legs and trips them up like a lil baby bitch. Maybe find a way to “teach” a team with 6 McDonalds’s all Americans to win a meaningful basketball game you