
Kevin, I am really unsure of what I just watched in that video. You say it’s a review, but I only saw a Chinese food vendor preparing food and that food floating to a table and floating randomly thereafter along with a boba tea. I couldn’t see anything.

I guarantee you, it can be a whole lot worse. My coworker from Kentucky says that they eat, GET THIS, Peanut Butter and MIRACLE WHIP sandwiches. My goodness!

Papa what, now? 

The listing is a bit confusing, but it seems like it’s for 485 boxes of 22 pagers, which comes out to 10,670 pagers so you’re actually getting the pagers at ~$2.74 a pop, making it a steal! 

Aww man! The lime was my go-to “it’s so hot outside, I’m gonna drink a ton of light beer” light beer this past summer. It was so light that it was refreshing and tasted like lime flavored mineral water with a nice, malty finish. Perhaps that makes it not a beer, beer, but it was refreshing when super ice cold. Maybe

Thanks for letting me in on this! Going to rush to the store to buy evaporated milk and cheddar cheese right after work. IT’S NACHO TIME!

I’m on a 6 Plus and the Public Beta gave it a massive performance boost. Apps open and switch quicker with no slowdown like before and the camera opens up within 2  or 3 seconds as opposed to almost 7 or 8 before (on iOS 11.4). Additionally, for you social media users, Snapchat works instantaneously as opposed to

I have never loved you more than right now, RN!

Holy smokes! Thanks for this, Kevin. My dad was a huge fan when I was a kid and I’d always watch with. “FUKUI-SAN!” is about as iconic a quote as any other quote from my childhood. I was a Masahiko Kobe fan myself, and it seems like Food Network focused almost on Michiba (then Morimoto), Chen, Sakai, and then Kobe, I

Does anyone know if this would work with gin? Looks refreshing for the Arizona heat!

I bought one of those Over 9000 games in 1 pirated NES game pads that were shaped like an N64 at a flea market when I was 12 and I played with it for a little while and then boxed it up for a few months without its AC adapter. A few months later I took it out to play with it again and got another AC adapter from a