
After two months, I finally finished Persona 5. It was everything I wanted it to be and I'm terribly upset that it's over, even if it did take me 120-some-odd hours just to finish the dang thing. I bought the soundtrack to help me cope, but it just makes me want to go back and dick around Leblanc with my fictional

HOT TAKE: I liked this season more than the second. The first is still my favorite by a small margin, but all the thematic stuff about how facts and truth can be so easily manipulated felt terribly relevant this year, and Carrie Coon had some amazing material these last few episodes. That scene of her sharing

Hey, they just really liked that Dawes album.

That Monster Hunter game looks so dang good. It looks gorgeous. And you get to play it with a controller! No more of the 3DS turning my hands into mangled crab claws.

'Cause Oreo Fireworks
Come on let your tastebuds burst
Make ' em go yum, yum, yum
As you put 'em on your tongue, tongue, tongue

Any live-action adaptation is going to get white-washed as all hell, so it's what Faye Valentine will look like.

Christina Hendricks managed it pretty well on Mad Men all those years.

Put-upon middle manager was definitely an interesting fashion choice by Brad.

I'm torn on that final tribal council format. The open discussion was interesting, but breaking it so literally into the "Outplay, Outwit, Outlast" components was dumb. I don't know how you guide the discussion otherwise, but there must be some better way to give it a structure.

I picked this up on a whim and have been really digging it so far. The whole loot aspect is a little strange, since so far it doesn't feel as if the characters have costumes so much as random bits of junk they strapped together. But as someone who loves fighting games, but is nowhere near good enough to play them

This was a pretty hot mess of an episode, but I did get a laugh out of Aubry putting her head in her hands as soon as that 2nd tribal council broke down.

Trigger warning: Fuck you.

Yeah. I mean, I do think Zeke's move was dumb this episode - he abandoned an alliance to amass an army with players who want nothing to do with him. But Andrea is just taking it way too personally. Even last week, she was calling Zeke a coward.

Andrea sucks. She goes from crying over Zeke being outed last week to totally disowning him as a friend because of gameplay this week.

Woah. I just got done watching Cry Wilderness, and thought it was a marked improvement over the first episode. It felt like classic MST3K. The rapid fire style will probably take a little more to get used to, but it felt like they were already settling into a groove, and I thought there were some great riffs.

I saw a preview for this before seeing Your Name, and just the two-minute trailer was unbearable to get through. It looks like one of those movies that was made by typing a bunch of keywords into a generic kids' movie generator.

Fez. Maybe it's nostalgic only in its retro pixel graphics, but I also think it did a great job of invoking the feeling of playing a video game as a kid, where every stupid school yard rumor you heard about secrets and outrageous unlockable stuff felt like it could be true. It just really captured that rare sense of

Oh man, I seriously wish this episode never answered my question of, “There’s like 20 minutes left, how are they going to kill that much time at tribal council?”

That monster song was great. And yeah, the old show could sometimes throw out jokes at a rapid clip, but it just felt more pronounced here. There was a moment toward the end where they kept switching between three different running jokes within the span of a minute, and it didn't feel like there was room for any

I thought he was decent. He seemed affable enough during the host segments. Do people dislike Jonah Ray? My only familiarity with him is from an episode of Doughboys, and I thought he was pretty funny on that.