
*Ranked mode, not Arena.

I love that the strawberries tie thematically into the game. There’s no real reward to collecting them, thus your only motivation is to prove to yourself that you can overcome the challenge that they present.

Comments on newswires are so damn dire. They used to be as entertaining as the articles, if not more so, but now it’s just the same boring, unfunny squabbling you can get on any other site.

Kind of hard to maintain a position of snark about useless tsotchkes on a website that is now 50% Kinja Deals posts.

Good lord, this is so depressing.

This whole site redesign feels like what happens when the plucky dance troupe isn’t able to raise enough money to save the rec center from the evil wealthy real estate developer who wants to tear it down.

"excuse my messed up quoting bc kinja on mobile" seems like a pretty good encapsulation of the issues.

"excuse my messed up quoting bc kinja on mobile" seems like a pretty good encapsulation of the issues.

I don't think I would have given Documentary Now a chance without their reviews.

I don't think I would have given Documentary Now a chance without their reviews.

This is awful and I hate it more than I even thought I would.

This is awful and I hate it more than I even thought I would.

Hi. Please change the site back.

I know I shouldn't even have the capacity to be surprised anymore but HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DOUBLE DOWN ON THIS?! We already spent two fucking days going after the dude for not being able to outright denounce goddamn NAZIS, and he comes back with this? Why? How? Just, what the ever loving fuck?

Did this actually assuage anyone's fears about the new commenting system? It seemed like a well-meaning but ultimately pointless exercise to reassure an angry community.

Isn't this going to be kind of limiting for the open discussion threads, like What Are You Playing this Weekend, or Tell Us About Your Pop-Culture Weekend?


Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the dang Deadwood movie.

Well, Persona games aren't necessarily about moral choices and branching storylines. They're more just busy schedule simulators, where you're trying to fit your social life into the inexorable march of the plot.

At least we have years of inevitable spin-offs and remasters to look forward to.