
I'm 30 minutes into the advance screening of the new MST3k, and the riffing style is kind of hard to listen to so far. The old show had such an organic, conversational tone, where it always felt like a few friends on a couch just cracking jokes. So far, the new one feels kind of… stiff. Like, you can tell they're

… holy shit, I just remembered the Zora suit scales up waterfalls. That would have made getting through Hyrule Castle a billion times easier.

How is Thimbleweed Park? It looks great. I'm a sucker for any old school point-and-click revival, even though they're hardly ever as good as the classics.

Finished Zelda: BotW last Sunday. Maaaaaan, fuck Hyrule Castle and it's infestation of laser-spewing Guardians. I spent a few hours getting blasted all over the place before coming to the game's relatively underwhelming final boss fight. But this was definitely my favorite Zelda title since Ocarina of Time. The sense

That was some Grade A mind fuckery by Sandra. As dumb as it was for JT not to play his idol, Sandra deserves a lot of credit for keeping the heat off herself and not giving him a reason to play it by treating him like a pariah at camp or anything.

Boooo. Entertaining Tribal Council, but losing Malcolm over Sierra sucks. Dude was in a prime position to at least make it to the merge, before getting taken out by Varner's ball-handling skills and a pretty harsh twist.

More Zelda. It's amazing and revolutionary and I love it to pieces, but if I had one complaint, it's the weapon durability. I get that it's one of the game's core systems, but it's turned my limited collection of death-dealing tools into the fine china you only break out for special guests.

All I know is I've played 30 hours and have only finished one dungeon, because I keep getting distracted by some new, exciting discovery on the horizon. Last night I investigated a weird glow on top of a mountain, and it led to one of the coolest secrets I've ever stumbled on in a video game.

I may hold off on playing this for a while. I got a few hours in and adore the verbosity of it all, but it seems like they're doing the Pillars of Eternity thing where they're adding on content and improvements post-release. I'll wait to see how it shapes up in a few months.

Same. The pronounciation of Aang made me angry all over again, but they were just working with what the movie gave them.

Glad my dream team of Sandra and Aubry lasted all of five seconds. Though maybe not? It's hard to tell what actually happened with that second vote. But a pretty entertaining start! The Queen stays Queen.

sure. okay. whatever.

Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

How could they deprive Lin of his EGOT? Now he's only an obscenely wealthy creative genius with an Emmy, Grammy, and Tony. He's garbage!

*Clings to one piece of good news like a shipwreck survivor clings to flotsam*

I can recommend Yakuza 0 based off the two chapters I've played of it so far. It's my first time playing the series and I think I'm already in love. The fighting is a little clumsy, but the voice acting and gangster melodrama are all top notch.

I made a promise to myself that this is the year I don't buy a single new game until I finish all the unplayed ones in my backlog, so naturally that means I renewed my subscription to Final Fantasy XIV, because why not start with a time-devouring MMO?

Oh yeah, you're right. Man, I don't even remember the Tribal Councils that got Kelley and Keith out. That's way too many people to cram into two hours.

6-person finale? Is someone getting medevac'd in the first fifteen minutes?

Yeah, that was super lame. I mean, I get that emotions are heightened when you feel like you're losing your chance at a million dollars, but the cast has been doing a (mostly) good job at keeping things more focused on gameplay than personal attacks this season.