
Season 2 overall. It's funnier, has a way better finale, and an absolutely killer soundtrack.

Still plugging away at Fallout 4, but perhaps more surprisingly I'm using my recently purchased PS4 to replay GTA V. It might be the first game where the graphics have kept me going more than anything else. Revisiting the story and characters has reminded me how much I didn't like either of those things when I played

The only thing that saved us from a full blown make out session was his promise not to use any tongue.

I'm going to give The Mountain Goats' "Hair Match" the edge over "Heel Turn 2," if only because I'm not a huge fan of the piano outro in the latter. Only John Darnielle could make the line "I loved you before I even ever knew what love was like" work so perfectly in a song about a wrestling match where the loser gets

He makes redcoats redder with blood stains.

Does liking the Hamilton soundtrack more than To Pimp a Butterfly ruin any street cred I already didn't have?

I mean, I was pretty taken with it from the start, but if you make it to "The Time Traveler's Pig" and aren't in love with the show yet, I'd say it's not for you.

I wish she could have too, but she's already so busy with other stuff. Last Man on Earth, Bob's Burgers, Gravity Fal- *starts sobbing uncontrollably*

How much whiskey will it take to convince Sean O'Neal to start writing newswires again?

I can't believe they did it last episode but didn't think to do it this time. I mean, I'm incredibly happy they didn't, but I still can't believe it.

Me every other episode: Ugh, splitting the votes is such a dumb strategy.

I can't wait! Because the 300 hours I've already played between the original and Rebirth is simply not enough time of my life spent wandering naked through a basement of horrors.

Oh right, voting off Woo and his terrible, sympathy-drumming stories would have been an easy sell for her. It doesn't make any sense why Savage would assume he had her locked up, then.

I love how Abi once again switches allegiances and the show doesn't even bother to set up why, because Abi.

Mother of pearl, that Waffle Hut sequence was brutal. At least we had the sight of Nick Offerman's mutton chops to console us after.

I don't know why it has to cost 99,800 bells, but I'll spare no expense in trying to impress my octopus neighbor.

I'll be continuing to split time between Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Planescape: Torment. By which I mean devoting many hours to catching fish to pay for my addiction to cute clothes and furniture, and devoting significantly less hours chipping away at Torment's dense dialogue and arcane combat system.

He does lack that certain brain dead je ne sais quoi.

We need Woo because his utterly bewildered facial expressions after every vote are great for dramatic effect.

I loved the feigned sympathy flash cards. I get that it might lean a little too heavy on the Doctor being a heartless alien bastard, but that's my favorite aspect of Capaldi's performance, so I'm good with it.