
King George as a jilted ex-boyfriend is great. "You're on your own. Awesome! Wow!"

I've been listening to Hamilton nonstop all week. I don't understand how Lin-Manuel Miranda writes music this insanely vibrant and catchy.

Airy, without question. Having to put up with the characters blindly putting their trust into a fairy you figured out was evil in the first chapter or two is infuriating, as is spending hours having your entire party wiped out by her attacks in the inevitable boss fight. I was so ready for the game to be over, which

That's the common complaint I hear when anyone talks about the game, but I played it so long ago that I don't remember it being a problem. Then again, I was 12, and had a lot more patience for endless hours of grinding and special attack animations. I'm sure it'd drive me insane today.

After beating Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Bravely Default (mother of god, those last few chapter), and Undertale, I'm determined to keep my string of RPGs going, but I'm not sure with what. I've got Grandia II on Steam, which was the first RPG I ever beat, and Rune Factory 4, which I put a few hours into just long

Totally agree on Undertale. I debated buying it because, despite how everyone was gushing about it, the screenshots just looked so lackluster. But, like everything else about the game, the graphics gradually reveal a lot of charm and substance. It's totally worth picking up. It's relatively short, it's cheap, and it's

Yeah, the tribes seem kind of lopsided, though this week's challenge was pretty close, so who knows. And I forgot that, like a lot of people are saying, Mike spent his first episode throwing up from a scorpion. Still, I don't want to get my hopes up too high if Fishbach ends up going early.

That was a really fun season opener! I agree that the upside to returning players is not having to spend 90 minutes being convinced why you should care about any of these people. Everyone is more or less fully formed.

I don't think there is a killing blow for Trump. The man has only gotten more popular by calling immigrants rapists and writing off a female debate moderator by saying she had "blood coming out her whatever." Trying to kill him only makes him stronger.

But then who is going to inadvertently make the same jokes O'Neal already made in the article?

Ants-in-my-Eyes Johnson, Man vs. Car.

Okay, time to wait for Rick and Morty, the greatest show in all infinite dimensions.


Man, the Game of Thrones love does not make any sense. Did they just submit the last fifteen minutes of "Hardhome" or something?

The rule book’s been torn up now and America’s wiping its nasty ass with it!

I kind of want to see Modern Family win, just because that would be the funniest thing that show has done in years.



Emmys be like "Y'all hear about this Game of Thrones show?"

Uh, Colbert isn't dead. He became immortal and now travels the world with Alex Trebek, Santa, and Abraham Lincoln.