
I think what I'll ultimately walk away from Hannibal with is the realization that Jack Crawford is a terrible fisherman.

That's a good point. I think it's definitely the fact that it goes so extreme in either direction makes it stand out more than it does in older games. I mean, it's been a while since I've played Chrono Trigger, but I remember it striking a more delicate balance between the lighthearted and the dramatic by building up

After beating Persona 4 and Valkyria Chronicles, my string of attempting to actually finish some of the RPGs I own continues with Bravely Default. Holy shit does this game suffer from tonal whiplash. One second the characters are freaking out over a bikini that's too sexy, and the next they're casually mentioning

This episode's inexplicably funny line reading by Roiland: "They made hamburgers!"

I loved it, and yeah, the effects were extremely well done. Shows how effective CGI can be when used with restraint.

I just finished watching Ex Machina, and now I'm totally glad that someone busted up hitchBOT.

WHELP apparently I've been playing this game completely wrong. I've been relying heavily on my tank and Lancers, and always have an Engineer in play. Thanks for these! Hopefully this might make tackling the campaign a little easier.

Persona 4 is kind of the same. Taking a prolonged break from the game definitely made tackling the last portion a lot easier, especially since my characters were suitably leveled to ensure the last bosses weren't too much of a challenge.

That sounds about right. My final play time for Persona 4 topped out at around 80 hours. I only just got around to finishing the last two dungeons after not touching the game in years, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to dedicate that much time to cultivating a fake social life again once Persona 5 comes out.

I've been avoiding the skirmishes since they're just repeats of the story missions, but it looks like they're a necessary evil. Thanks for the tip!

Since finally beating Persona 4, I've been craving JRPGs lately, and I'm realizing how insanely difficult it is to play them as adults. They're my favorite games to get lost in, but they require such a massive time commitment. I'm a few chapters into Valkyria Chronicles, and I was furious I wasted two hours last night

I'm not cynical about this and genuinely look forward to having Stephen Colbert back on television. Is there something wrong with me?

So far, I'm loving that this arc is returning to a Will who is grappling with his sanity. As much as I've adored all the weird, terrible things this show has done, I don't think it was ever better than it was in the first season, when it was exploring how devastating all those weird, terrible things would be on

Hannibal: Come for the grotesquely beautiful cinematography and sublime character drama, stay for the finger banging jokes.

Is this actually happening, or is it one of those adaptations that mercifully remain in development hell forever, like Akira or Keanu Reeves' Cowboy Bebop?

I'm not sure why, but the phrase "buttery South African accent" makes me supremely uncomfortable.

"Why are you shooting walnuts at me?"

You should! Persona 4 has my favorite cast of any JRPG, so it's worth it just to watch all the characters develop through the Social Link system. I mean, my interest waned as it does with any game that starts pushing 60-70 hours, but I always wanted to go back and finish it.

I'm going to finally do it. After not touching the game in years, I'm going to finally beat Persona 4. Or attempt to, at least. I'm at the final dungeon (the real, REAL one) and will try to conquer 10 floors of whatever the hell the game has left to throw at me with my merry band of teenage crime fighters.