
Aw, I'm on Jenova. Did I make a grave mistake?

Psh, as if I'd ever play anyone other than Waluigi.

I want to try playing that game for real sometime. When I first beat it, I wanted to finally have a Final Fantasy party that was strong enough to take on all the super difficult optional bosses, so I powerleveled my characters using some lame trick where you kill the same rare monster over and over again by using a

More Final Fantasy XIV. My free 30 days are almost up, but I haven't decided if I'm going to get an actual subscription yet. Most likely I will, since I really love the world, and I feel like I'm on the cusp of things getting interesting.

But I don't wanna find moogles. D:

It really is an addicting minigame, but I'm so awful at it. Possibly because I'm just starting out, though I was getting mopped pretty thoroughly by the beginner NPCs. I don't know if I have the patience for the deck building required to become better.

I'll be putting more time into Final Fantasy XIV, most likely, which I imagine is going to pick up at some point. I enjoy the vast, open worlds of MMOs, and find the grind can be strangely relaxing, but holy shit the "Kill X of Y" quests need to be expunged from gaming, and there are so many of those in FFXIV, at

I don't know how many anime nerds there are on AV Club, but I'm nine episodes into Blood Blockade Battlefront and I'm conflicted on it. The show is about a secret society protecting a New York City that's been combined with the underworld due to a mysterious cataclysmic event. On the one hand, it's got style and

This weekend will be split between Splatoon and Bayonetta 2, while trying to resist the siren call of whatever ridiculous deals the Steam Sale throws out. I'm really only after Divinity: Original Sin, Geometry Wars 3, and the Resident Evil Remaster, but we'll see how far my self-control gets me.

That pop up as Will was descending into the catacombs was unforgivable. It took up like a third of the screen during one of the episode's most tense moments. I'm starting to debate whether I should just wait to watch the show online with a pair of headphones and no risk of Jimmy Fallon ruining the mood.

I have to imagine the only reason that stag scene made it onto broadcast television is because whoever was reviewing this episode for Standards and Practices ran the fuck out of the room the moment the amputated corpse heart started unfolding.

As long as the world is engaging, then no. Sidequests are usually my favorite part of games, so I appreciate having the ability to just wander around and stumble upon something that was secreted away in the world, and be able to get back to the main story whenever I feel like it.

I liked the Mad Men finale so much I didn't think I was going to have defend liking the Mad Men finale.

Really? It is very different from what follows, and I know a lot of people who came to the show late say they have a tough time sticking it out through the first season, but it's still one of my favorites. The episode between Don and Adam breaks my heart every time, and I still cry like Harry Crane whenever I watch

Lets see, I'll go with - 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 3, 6.

I'm going down to Florida for a few days to visit my little sister and help her move into a new apartment, so I'm bringing along my 3DS and newly bought copy of Rune Factory 4. If all goes well, I'll come back home with a flourishing farm and a wife.

Don has lost his furniture, his apartment, SC&P, and What's On Tonight recognition. He truly has nothing left.

The three video game soundtracks I have on my iPod are Fez, Katamari Damacy, and Jet Set Radio, which I will now proceed to listen to now that this article reminded me I have them on there. The Katamari soundtrack is suitably ridiculous, but it has some surprisingly pretty tunes. "Lonely Rolling Star" is fantastic.

Honestly, I like Mike, and I'd enjoy seeing him go on some kind of insane immunity run to get to the end and win. I just wish that narrative didn't come with the cost of spending so much time showing how terrible everyone else is.

I'm probably late to the party, but the fact that all of Probst's "Best season ever!" talk was nothing more than a beautiful lie is seriously bumming me out. We're pretty much beyond the point of redemption here.