
I was tempted to pick up Animal Crossing as my Club Nintendo reward, but went with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze instead. I'm still considering getting it, since I'm a sucker for cutesy life sims and have already played Fantasy Life to death.

The last two months have been dedicated entirely to MH4U and Pillars of Eternity, so right now I'm taking a break from timesucking games and am in "Oh yeah, I have a Wii U!" mode. The recent Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 DLC have gotten me back into those games, which I almost forgot are extremely fun. Some of the new

Sandra: Let's agree to tell each other everything!

This is the first game I'm ever playing on Easy, and while I feel guilty about it, I've accepted that I am just not good at the combat in these kinds of games. My party is only around level 5 right now, but I already feel like I'm making all the wrong stat choices.

Same for me, though I did back Tides of Numenera, so I guess I'll have one more shot if this fails to hook me. I really want to lose myself in these massive, beautifully realized worlds, but the combat in Baldur's Gate and Planescape have been so hard to wrap my head around.

You sound like a fucking Nazi Julie Andrews.

Yeah, Rogue One INCH, if you know what I'm saying.

Perfect username/comment synergy.

good kid, b.A.A.d record label

Transparent works especially well because the "fascinating transition" is still relevant.

I like it. Not as good as their early stuff, obviously, but there are some strong tracks - "The Ground Walks," "Sugar Boats," and. "Of Course We Know" in particular - and I think it's a big step above We Were Dead.

Hey, product placement or not, don't knock Underwood's love of video games. It's the only humanizing characteristic he has.

Me: Ugh, I'm not sure I can take another season of this show being so heavy-handed.
Frank Underwood: *Pisses on his father's grave in first five minutes of season premiere*
Me: I'M OUT.

I'm going to take the dive with Monster Hunter, even though I played MH3 on the 3DS and gave it up after a few hours. But the combination of big, bad ass monsters and awesome loot is one that should theoretically be addicting for me. I'm going to give the series another shot, since reviews are saying it might be the

I just beat Assassin's Creed IV. What a weirdly paced story. SPOILER ALERT Everyone dies. And you're supposed to be super sad that everyone dies, but I didn't feel as if I knew any of the characters or why Edward's relationship to them was important. It felt as if you were supposed to care because the game told you to

I will cherish Ron's giddy face when he sees his old breakfast poster forever.

I was disappointed on my first and only listen so far, and found myself agreeing with a lot of what the Pitchfork review was saying (in regards to this album, not the three whole paragraphs dedicated to ironically distancing from any enjoyment of their previous work because it's "camp").

I’ll be playing Assassin’s Creed IV. This is my first Assassin’s Creed game, and maaaan is there a lot of content that has nothing to do with assassinating things. It’s nice to have variety in such a big open world game, but I’m not sure I need to be introduced to a Facebook-esque trading route minigame eight hours in.

Those last two lines sound like an exchange straight out of a Scorsese movie.

He danced at my cousin's Bar Mitzvah as part of the entertainment. It was before he went on American Idol, but the running joke in my family is that we could say it was after and the story would be just as believable.