
His utter evisceration of the marketing memo he received from Wheat Thins.

Yeah, that was a genuinely exciting final level for a series that doesn't do boss battles all that well. On a whole, I loved Galaxy 2 more than I did 3D World, but the game definitely has its moments, and trying to outmaneuver those horrifying-looking Meowsers is one of them.

Hopefully Mavis Staples can get around to thanking everyone.

I've actually stopped taking pills altogether without the PhD, because the negative effects usually far, far outnumber the positive ones. Somehow I always get the pills that decrease your health. It's one aspect of the game that I don't think is completely balanced.

Ugh, those are challenges that I'm either never going to finish or that I'm going to have to put up with a lot of frustration to complete. I actually came close to "Cat Got Your Tongue," but I always get impatient trying to wait for the perfect opportunity to hit an enemy, so it always devolves into spastic flailing

He did make a pretty great Lex Luthor in that Funny or Die video. If that and Don Draper are any indication, he's much better at playing super wealthy villains.

Scott Pilgrim was video game inspired! Just not any particular one.

Platinum is my favorite entry. It had an awesome Battle Frontier, the trainer cafe where you can battle all the gym leaders and Elite Four members every day, and event Pokemon that actually felt like events. Going to that creepy island to catch Darkrai was so much more satisfying than just downloading him.

Fuck whatever part of the development team thought "Let's find a way to make the moon even more pants-shittingly terrifying."

I'll be putting more time into Fantasy Life. It's one of those time-consuming 3DS life simulators in which your greatest ambition is to get really good at chopping wood, mining, and fishing. I'm not sure who would ever consider that to be their fantasy life, but I've put 20 hours into the game since getting it last

Dale looks like a farmer straight out of the Dust Bowl in that header image. I can only imagine he's looking pensively out over a dry, desolate wasteland. Or, probably more accurately, Missy cooking too much rice.

Well, that's Christmas night. Chicken fried rice is not a good way to start any morning.

As a Jew, new movies from them is the only way I'm happy on Christmas morning.

I stopped watching 30 Rock by the time they brought Schaal on, so I'm always confused how someone could have any ill will toward her. How can anyone hate Mabel Pines?

I got my ass handed to me by Jigglypuff a few times before I unlocked her (it?), which is never not a humbling experience.

I've made the promise to myself that I'm not buying the game unless the Battle Frontier is included. Though I know I'll cave just for that stupid shiny Metagross.

I'm pretty much Harry Crane every time I watch Don Draper's "Carousel" pitch.

My bad. Ignorant American, assumes it's all the same, can't figure out why they call seasons "series," etc etc.

In other news, I just started watching the good Utopia, and it is awesome.