

And now… angry ticks fire out of my nipples!

I'm genuinely sad that Space Dandy is over, even if the ending was suitably ridiculous and gorgeously animated. I think Watanabe succeeded in creating a series that really was like Cowboy Bebop's "Mushroom Samba" every week. Not every episode was a total success, but the experimentation was always thrilling to watch,

If they're anything like me, I'm guessing they politely laugh and then proceed to die a little on the inside.

Pearl Jam ruined the name Jeremy for me. But I'll get my revenge on Eddie Vedder one day. Then they'll see. Then they'll all see!

I didn't know Morrissey was a Borderlands character.

I bought Mario Galaxy 2 when I got a Wii U, and it has to be my favorite platformer of all time. So much so that Super Mario 3D World has been a bit of a letdown by comparison.

I'm watching Gurren Lagann for the first time. I just finished the eighth episode, and am now so very, very sad.

I'll pick EW up next Steam sale. I know it was super cheap during the summer one, I just didn't want to add on to my backlog.

I guess I'm pretty boned then. Or maybe not too much, considering I'm only playing on Normal. Still, I hate to be halfway into a game only to find out that I haven't been doing the most important thing the entire time.

I decided to dig into my vast Steam backlog last weekend and have been playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown ever since. Maaaan, am I bad at handling strategy games where you can permanently lose your units. I have no problem watching countless rookies get pulverized by the alien war machine, but as soon as I lose someone who's

Goodnight, everyone! I look forward to us all being pissed off that Jon Hamm never won an Emmy next year!

Jay Leno announcing Modern Family. Fuck everything.

"What a wonderful time for women on television."

Breaking Bad hype!

I feel a couple hundred think pieces coming on from this bit.

YAY FARGO WON SOMETHING. That blizzard shootout was the best.

I've had a little over a year to come to terms with the fact that Peter Capaldi won't play the Doctor as "Malcolm Tucker… IN SPACE" but I know I'll still be inevitably disappointed when he doesn't start threatening people with lubricated horse cocks.

Tomb Raider is exclusive to your Xbox, your children's Xbox, and your children's children's Xbox!

I watched Snowpiercer and thought it was awesome, and then went on the AV Club review to read comments of people talking about how awesome it was, only to find out that a lot of people didn't think it was awesome.