
I read the headline too fast and thought she was going to be filling in for Seth Myers, and now I'm disappointed that's not the case.

I loved Nathan's not-so-subtle interrogation of Cody escalating into flat out asking him if he was a sex offender. And then the creepy guy he hired miserably failing to pull off the same "Can you take a picture of me?" routine later.

The AV Club

I was going to make a comment asking if anybody watched this week's episode. How good was that? The animation was gorgeous, and it was such a charming little story. Dandy's at his best when he's helping out adorable moppets.

I was going to pick up Super Mario 3D World today, but I found it slightly cheaper on Amazon, so it'll be a few days before I get to play it.

"The future is in the past! ONWARDS, AOSHIMA!"

Man Versus Feud

If you had the power to go back and save one prematurely cancelled show and give it another few seasons, what show would it be?

Boy, fuck you Myles McNutt, you fucking dumb, stupid idiot. Dumb, stupid, weak, pathetic, white… white… uh, guilt. White guilt, milquetoast piece of human garbage.

I don't like your face. Makes me want to do things to it.

Someone convince me not to drop $330 on the Wii U/Mario Kart 8 bundle, because that and Super Mario 3D World and all the Wii games I never played are making me seriously consider the purchase.

DAMNIT! I haven't watched Clone High in like FOR-EV-AH!

Harry busting into the partner's meeting while Roger made everyone except him millionaires felt like Bender just narrowly missing his chance to become an honorary Globetrotter.

After this past week's episodes of Fargo, The Americans, and Hannibal, I'm hoping Mad Men can just make it through tonight's finale without anyone's throat getting slit.

I honestly think everyone's stupidity is what's helped make this one of the more entertaining Survivor seasons. Most seasons tend to have one or two competent players who run the show and make everything super predictable after a certain point, but nobody has been able to get a handle on this season.

I thought Jane was apologizing to the teacher whose skirt she ripped off, not her classmate as played by an adult. Or did I miss something?

I don't know if I'll be able to watch Kass in the final three. That could make for one of the most bitter shellackings by the jury ever.

At least we still have Rick and Morty for another 100 years forever and forever Rick and Morty.

Yeah. Every season has its share of people who are utterly useless gameplay wise, so it's nice when they're at least fun to watch.

Woo is probably my favorite worst Survivor player. He's awful at the game, and he hasn't done anything remotely deserving of a win, but he seems like such a genuinely good, likable person.