
The Rangers are an infuriatingly boring team in general.

I'm a bit of a stickler Maslany. What about your short game?

*Stares in disbelief.*

I just think these episodes are an inevitability toward the end of the season, because there are always a few people who get downplayed in favor of the bigger personalities. I feel like the episodes where Jeremiah and Jefra get voted off are going to be equally obvious.

Ah, a classic "person who hasn't spoken all season gets a bunch of confessionals, so clearly they're going home" episode. Thankfully the manic hunt for the hidden immunity idol at least made things interesting.

"You killed my dad in outer space?!" is a line that encapsulates everything I love about this show.

Agreed on Modest Mouse. Especially since they took off touring all last summer to supposedly work on the new album. I'm not sure how good a new record from them will even be, since their last two releases haven't stuck with me over the years like their older work has, but I just want to hear it at this point.

I hope those prices are not too low.


Yeah, those had the common decency to give you everything you need and send you on your way within the first fifteen minutes, but they still feel like an insult to someone who has conquered every single goddamn region.

Pokemon tutorials. Listen, old man/friendly rival/Professor Some-Kind-Of-Plant, this isn't my first rodeo. I know it's a game technically aimed at actual children, but if a 10 year old can't figure out how to throw a Pokeball on their own, maybe they don't deserve to be Champion.

I agree that the stream has lost some of its appeal - I only check in once and a while now, rather than always keeping a window open so I could watch it while I did other stuff - but I like that Gen II has quietly developed a "man vs gods" theme. It seems like a fitting way to respect the Gen I lore while forging

I'd take either. My mind immediately leapt to "Death Metal Band" because of that great "Hail Satan!" finish, but "No Children" would probably be equally fun to hear covered. Such an amazing, vitriolic song.

The Mountain Goats - The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton

Kass, LJ, Spencer, Jeremiah

I'm conflicted. I know I'm not supposed to find rape funny, and I know Harmon has a particular issue when it comes to that subject, but I love both that line and the one from Meeseeks and Destroy. ("If someone drops the soap, it'll land on us and snap our spines! And it'll be real easy to rape us then!")


I'm most fascinated by the mythology and culture that's sprung up around Twitch Plays Pokemon. It feels more profound than other flash-in-the-pan Internet memes, because it's like watching the rise of civilization on a small, hyper-accelerated scale. There's a belief system, a form of government, and a common cause

I don't think you get more hipster than saying you hate The Wire.

My biggest issue with Zoe's death is that it removes the sense that anything can be a long-term threat to Frank. The season one finale set up the journalism storyline as the thing that could take Frank down, just as the season two finale sets up Doug's murder as the loose thread that could undo everything, and there's