
I’m currently trying to finish Dead Space 2 as quickly as possible. Despite enjoying the first two hours of the game, the campaign is turning into a slog. I’m all for horror games being glorified action titles, because I was never much of a horror purist anyway, but Dead Space 2’s method for ratcheting up tension is

For me, Dark Souls nails one of the most important tenants of videogames – progression. The game’s brutal difficulty grinds you to a pulp early on, but it also molds you into a better player. Beyond the obvious progression of improving your stats and equipment, you become stronger simply by learning more about the

I don't know where to put this, but since this feature always seems like a catch-all for whatever, I'd like to point out a few AV Club articles that have been published in the last 24 hours:

Exactly. Other than the show just being really funny, it's also established its universe and characters so quickly and confidently. Venture Bros did the same thing in its first season, and that was one of the primary reasons I fell in love with that series instantly as well.

"You don't bring dead babies to Passover."

They don't allow you to have bees in here.

I know everybody is getting down on the show for starting to show its age, but without a season six we wouldn't have gotten The Cones of Dunshire or Ron burying his Government Employee of the Month award across state lines. This show hasn't yet descended into Office-level terribleness in its later years, and I

"It's like doing peyote and sneezing slowly for six hours."

Radiohead "Little By Little"
Tame Impala "Apocalypse Dreams"
King Khan & the Shrines "Bite My Tongue"
Wilco "Spiders"
Grizzly Bear "Everyone I Know (Marfa Demo)"

Rick and Morty returns with a new episode tonight! I know it's only been three episodes, but it's already the most I've loved an Adult Swim cartoon since The Venture Bros.

I thought it was an okay first episode. Animation and music were naturally amazing, but it felt weird to have all this money and talent being thrown at fifteen minutes of boob jokes. To me, it felt like a Japanese take on an Adult Swim show. Which is fine, but with Watanabe involved I can't help but crave the

It's definitely in the top tier for me. It's so much fun. Just one of those episodes where they're able to juggle so many elements and make them all work exceedingly well. Red Mantle heckling at the funeral is great, too.


I am really, really, really hoping that the Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty thing is one of those stupid twists that accidentally results in a good season, like the misguided racial divide in Cook Islands.

Probst has to reach insufferable critical mass at some point, right? At the rate things are going, the 30th season is just going to be him telling everyone how to vote at every tribal council.

This weekend I hope to make progress in Fire Emblem: Awakening without too many people in my party dying. Or, if they do die, not restarting the battle like a coward.

I really liked it when I saw it a few years ago. It wears its Miyazaki influences on its sleeve, there are some curious anti-American sentiments, and you need a working knowledge of a Japanese card game to follow some of the action, but the animation is gorgeous and it's a really fun film.

This looks promising! But I'm a Community fan, so something will happen to make it difficult for me to be optimistic in 3… 2… 1…

Haha, as genuinely terrible as Sherri's jury performance was, that jury laid it on her a little thick. Especially considering nobody had any intention of voting for her.