
Royal Headache "Honey Joy"
Pissed Jeans "Loubs"
Lambchop "Buttons"
The Decemberists "The Island: Come and See/The Landlord's Daughter/You'll Not Feel The Drowning"
…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead "Heart of Wires"

Even though it probably has no chance of winning, I voted for Cowboy Bebop, if for no other reason than I still think it got short shrift by some really lackluster TV Club Classic reviews.

I'm 50 pages in and really liking it so far! I'm always astounded I haven't read more by him, considering I read Slaughterhouse-Five a few years ago and absolutely loved it.

I am testing this hypothesis.

Despite using Spotify for the majority of my music listening needs, the "Artists You Might Like!" emails they send me are the most redundant things ever.

Currently staring up Cat's Cradle. I need to read way more Vonnegut.

I'm in the "Lavi should have been fired in the offseason" camp. I mean, I sort of understand giving him another chance after an abbreviated season, but to make that move three games in just feels like Holmgren hitting the panic button.

The Last Bison "River Rhine"
Royal Thunder "Shake and Shift"
Superchunk "Breaking Down"
Man Man "Curtains"
The Tallest Man On Earth "On Every Page"

I was worried I was the only one who cracked up at that.

That's a real fun album to brush off and listen to from start to finish every once in a while. Hearing one song always makes me want to listen to the whole thing.

I've been taking my sweet time with the story missions, since I've devoted a considerable amount of time to side quests and flights of fancy. Los Santos has mostly just been a cool place to visit for three hours every day.

I'm sorry. )= Does this help?

The Japandroids "For the Love of Ivy"
Menomena "INTIL"
The Antlers "Crest"
Bob Mould "The Descent"
Dinosaur Jr. "Stick a Toe In"

Now is the Walter of our discontent.

- Boo, Redemption Island. I understand the Hunger Games-ian "I VOLUNTEER!" stipulation makes it interesting with the family component, but it’s such a narrative boondoggle. It takes away the immediacy of people getting voted out, and the time they have to devote to duels every week is time taken away from infinitely

That's a bummer, man. I understand the whole being underpaid to do the jobs of four people thing. Why does all the work get pushed onto the people with the entry level job? That seems backwards, and yet probably the standard that this country was founded on. I bet the constitution was written by a bunch of interns.

How are you supposed to answer the "Why'd you leave your last job?" question if you quit? Is "The company wasn't a good fit" a good enough cover, or is there just no way to skirt that one?

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus Well, to clarify things, I'm a twentysomething that's currently working at a shitty administrative assistant job that's in no way related to my field and that I've been pulling $11.50/hour at for the past year. My rent is barely anything because I live with a relative,

Same - about a solid four or five hours. I've done a few of the beginning missions, but the biggest thing I did was steal a dirt bike and drive up Mount Chiliad. And then, naturally, drove off it and fell to my death.