
Bon Iver "Wash."
Baths "Phaedra"
Sufjan Stevens "The Perpetual Self, Or 'What Would Saul Alinsky Do?'"
The Last Bison "Distance"
Cat Power "Ruin"


I feel a hot stab of panic whenever I see the words "Avatar movie" in a headline, because I think it means they're making another Airbender movie, and casting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Fire Lord Ozai is something M. Night Shyamalan could conceivably do.

CALM DOWN, @avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus !

Is Moleman the only character untouched by late-era Simpsons mediocrity? I rarely watch anymore, but when I do seeing his shriveled up visage is always worth a laugh.

Wrong Chabon. Yiddish Policemen's Union has been my favorite.

Yeah, the rumored dumping of him over Meszaros doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, Mesz probably has no trade value, but unless you're getting something worthwhile in trading Coburn, then what's the point?


What do you think this is, a Breaking Bad review?

Gravity Falls!

Janelle Monae "Givin Em What They Love"
Alela Diane "My Brambles"
Caveman "Vampirer"
Band of Horses "Slow Cruel Hands of Time"
Ben Folds Five "Fair"

Blatant anti-ginger bias.


I don't have an exact number, but I'm going to take a guess and say The Mountain Goats. I could listen to John Darnielle describe sad things for hours. (And have!)

Conversations with my passive-aggressive ex-girlfriend.

Kendrick Lamar "Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst"
Disasterpeace "Age" [From the soundtrack to Fez, which is my favorite videogame soundtrack of all time. At least until GTA V comes out next month, anyway.]
Cut Copy "Take Me Over"
Bruce Springsteen "Born to Run" [Responsible for one of my favorite Sopranos quotes of all

Special "Two Best Songs Off Advance Album Streams I've Been Listening To" Edition!

I always forget about that Up montage, probably because the mere mention of it reduces me to a quivering puddle of unfathomable sadness.

The xx "VCR"
Junip "After All is Said and Done"
Josh Ritter "Thin Blue Flame"
Yellow Ostrich "I Got No Time For You"
Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Area 52"

The neti pot lost me at "brain-eating amoebas." No thanks. That sounds like whatever started The Last of Us.