
Father John Misty "Only Son of the Ladiesman"
The Decemberists "Leslie Anne Levine"
Lou Reed "Wagon Wheel"
The Dodos "Black Night" (Their new single - "Confidence" - has me stoked for their new album this summer. I recommend everyone seek it out.)
Spoon "Goodnight Laura"

Here's Jackson Publick talking about it, along with a reply where he defends Colbert, saying he understands how extremely busy the guy is and that he probably would've worded his personal response a little nicer than his agent did: http://jacksonpublick.livej…

Hot Rod, though I guess that's less of a guilty pleasure around here than it is to the world at large.

There are one or two tracks I'd like to pull from it when it's not just one big streaming chunk on iTunes, but I found it kind of disappointing overall.

I think "All my Friends" is probably the most generic indie kid song in existence, outside of maybe a Neutral Milk Hotel song.

Jens Lekman "The World Moves On"
Phoenix "Drakkar Noir"
Daft Punk "Around the World" (Anyone else a little let down by Random Access Memories?)
Justin Timberlake "Mirrors"
The Flaming Lips "The Terror"

This. I wish "Humiliation" had some of the bite that it sounded like it was going to have when they were performing it live. The song is still incredibly beautiful, I just would have liked a little more punch, which is how I feel about a lot of the slower stuff on the album.

I also enjoyed how weirdly proud Probst was of his tears. Like, "After 26 seasons, you have finally stirred feeling in the depths of my cold, black heart!"

I kind of feel you on Naruto and Bleach, though I'll admit I've found Bleach's "final arc" to be the most interesting thing the series has done in years. And I'm not sure how Naruto is supposed to continue after it wraps up its current arc, considering they're tying up every major conflict from the beginning. Plus

From my "Sad White Boy Music" Spotify playlist:

One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach have turned into the equivalent of trashy soap operas for me. I know they're juvenile and simplistic and objectify women and all that awful jazz, but I still love indulging in them every week.

Paul, you is a wahrwulf!


Was searching the comments for this one. There’s such a bittersweet warmth to that finale. I remember watching it as a kid and being so upset that the show was over, but happy over the thought that they had formed a kind of makeshift family and were now riffing on terrible movies because it was fun for them. "Mighty

Maybe it was the subject matter, but I got a real Clone High vibe from this one. Some of the gags that got sold by the animation - Greggy C choking on the tape dispenser, Mable hissing at Grenda and Candy, the guys running around doing hilarious hamster things - reminded me a lot of some good old fashioned Scudworth

Thankfully they have enough unaired American Dad episodes to fill that time slot for the next seven years.

The actors are the only thing keeping me around at this point. The most I've laughed this season has been at Donald Glover and Jim Rash selling weak lines through sheer brute charm.

Those thirty seconds of outtakes at the end had more warmth and genuine laughs than the entire preceding thirty minutes.

Is that John DiMaggio as fat Woody Harrelson or do I only wish that was John DiMaggio as fat Woody Harrelson?

Yeah, I also totally forgot he was the guy in that show's first "The Gang Finds a Place to be Safe Forever, But Then Zombies" plot line. He was very good in that role, though.