
This show is so good at creating a sense of history for its characters, more so than any other first season of a drama in recent memory. That late night scene between Stan and Sandra conveys years of a widening emotional gulf, and that there really existed a time when their marriage wasn't shit.

My biggest complaint is that Flight of the Conchords did the real Nigerian prince joke much, much better:


I'm in the "good, but not Community" camp. I think the best indication of the show we have now is that old Community would have made Abed's fantasy sequences genuinely funny, not just ironically funny.

Where do we rank this among other 30 Rock one-word classics like HAM and BANJO?



"Time Traveler's Pig" has my favorite emotional story the show's done so far, but everything out of Rumble McSkirmish's mouth was just perfection.

"Time Traveler's Pig" has my favorite emotional story the show's done so far, but everything out of Rumble McSkirmish's mouth was just perfection.

But the show’s never been about Leslie going against multifaceted villains. Her foils have always been one-note jerks like Joan Callamezzo, the Sweetums Corporation, and the citizens of Pawnee, so Bobby Newport and Councilman Jamm are in line with the cartoonishness that’s written into Parks and Rec’s DNA. Leslie’s

But the show’s never been about Leslie going against multifaceted villains. Her foils have always been one-note jerks like Joan Callamezzo, the Sweetums Corporation, and the citizens of Pawnee, so Bobby Newport and Councilman Jamm are in line with the cartoonishness that’s written into Parks and Rec’s DNA. Leslie’s

The show has always had cartoonish peripheral characters with a dash of humanity sprinkled in from the main cast, and I don’t think it’s ever lost that balance. I just don’t understand how anyone can watch an episode like “The Debate” and argue that this is a show of declining quality.

The show has always had cartoonish peripheral characters with a dash of humanity sprinkled in from the main cast, and I don’t think it’s ever lost that balance. I just don’t understand how anyone can watch an episode like “The Debate” and argue that this is a show of declining quality.

Same. That and Heartless Bastards' were the two albums that stuck with me the most through the year. "Quickfire, I Tried" at least needs to be on a best of list somewhere.

Same. That and Heartless Bastards' were the two albums that stuck with me the most through the year. "Quickfire, I Tried" at least needs to be on a best of list somewhere.

This has to be the entire cast's criminally overlooked Emmy submission episode. Danny DeVito's at the very least. His tragic tale of romance with No Lips doubled back from hilarious to weirdly devastating.

This has to be the entire cast's criminally overlooked Emmy submission episode. Danny DeVito's at the very least. His tragic tale of romance with No Lips doubled back from hilarious to weirdly devastating.

This makes the most sense. The one thing I'd like to get a little more insight on is where Skupin stands in the game, since this is the second time where he quietly voted against what the editors led us to believe.

This makes the most sense. The one thing I'd like to get a little more insight on is where Skupin stands in the game, since this is the second time where he quietly voted against what the editors led us to believe.

Am I the only one who thinks Penner voted for Abi in case she decided to give the idol to Peter? The way he was talking about his six staying strong and moving forward makes me believe Skupin is the one that flipped at the last minute and sent Jeff packing.