
Unless he was showing these to children there was just nothing illegal about it. Not to say there was nothing WRONG with it, but just nothing illegal. It's better that way folks. Let the law be simple and clear, and let society deal with people who are dispicable, by not giving them jobs, not talking to them etc.

unless they made a color eink display, they have no business calling this a kindle. Quit your stupid brand swapping money grabbing and put the r & d into a color eink display. This product will be a flop because it is based on a lie - that a color lcd is just like th eink only with color. Unless this thing is

some people have been watching too much avatar.

im a developer and ui designer. I like everything about windows 8 except the fact that you cant have multiple apps open on screen at the same time. I often have 3 o 4 on screen. If it were not for that, i would totally use metro on desktop pc. And development is the same technology (WPF) that office 2010 is using

If we can selectively block magnetism like that, we can make a motor that spins and spins forever, until the magnet demagnetizes. basically free energy.

pure conjecture. no scientific news here. just a bunch of science fiction writers in the lunchroom making up random, base-less fairy tales. This does not help our understanding of anything. nor can it predict anything. It's like a kid asking his dad where the apple tree came from,and the dad, rather than saying "I

This is suprising. The gov usually works more closely with Microsoft. I would've expected Azure. I can see Amazon because basically they have minimal cloud OS, so you're basically just renting hardware. However, that's like the gov deciding to use Linux instead of Windows. Sure, they have full control of the

by my visual calculations it could fit about 200,000 different pairs of land animals. Is that enough for all the different kinds of animals we have now to have developed over 10,000 years of speciation and adaptation?

I'm going to assume you are less than 25 years old so you wouldn't really have been studying the physics of future technology 10 years ago. But actually, if you go back through the articles, we've known for way more than 10 years that we would be able eventually to encode things on electrons, because of their nature,

this is 25 years away. also, it doesn't really sidestep moore's law, its actually jumps us flat into the upper wall of moore's law. I seriously doubt we'll ever be encoding things on gluons.

Most tax hating deficit reducing small government republicans I know are in favor of NASA. Everybody knows it's like infrastructure. Private businesses aren't likely to profit from NASA-like goals and projects, but we all feel it progresses our technology as a whole, so that's a prime candidate for government to do.

Oh no, not again. Sure, growing up is hard, more for some than others. I'm sure people who decided that they were gay or that others decided it for them, I'm sure they had tough childhoods. But I doubt they were particularly worse than say, fat girls or boys who couldn't catch a ball. It does get better, but why

more likely just a power of attorney so they could impersonate you for any specified internet accounts, as in call up the company and fax the power of attorney and execute your last wishes

uh, what is your point? Also, I imagine Gates would've gotten a fast pass if he needed a transplant too. I'm glad that you've found a decent hero in life, but your hero would not be saying such spiteful things about even his arch nemesis. So basically, keep looking up to ol' BillyG, but you'll never be like him in

why live in space when we can create a matrix and live in our minds and discover many and much more interesting things than dead rocks?

It looks like half a gummyworm with duct tape all over it

seems like a few witches and christians could've used this a few centuries ago.

looks like human vision stayed at the level of 3D graphics cards of the 90's

Yeah, and I just received federal funding for my project to retrofit a CNC machine with a robotic finger. now the elderly can put their ipads in the machine and give voice commands, and the machine will click the appropriate app.

@Mythos: Actually, I don't really know how that ended. they developed it into robocop and he came back and blew it up, but did it disappear out of the future? I mean, Mr T just blew up his past, and He didn't disappear, so did anything actually get accomplished? how did it end?