
FAKE!!!!!! Did you guys actually try it out? it's a joke. I immediately gives an error, and then they are sort of hoping that your curiosity will get the better of you and you will download Chrome and try it. It's all ploy to get chrome on you system!!!!!

did you look at what they were saying? they "track" the person/people. so it is limited in number of total viewers for one screen, but no limited by viewing angles. they track you. they point to you.

actually, you are absolutely wrong. Think of the fact that it's alread showing 2 different images at once, projecting them at different angles. This can definately be done for more than one. up to 4 or 5 is still practical, enough for 95% of home movie viewing. Basically, imagine that each pixel is a tiny

Actually, we would all perceive our problems as bigger and estimate a greater personal likelyhood of spontaneous human combustion.

So now Russian spies are writing articles for Giz? What next, Republicans????

while the discussion of vaccination is a good one, this article is unrelated to that. chicken pox is something kids generally get, vaccines or not. I've seen someone in his 40's get it and someone in her teens get it. it is WAY WAY WAY better for a kid to get it. the writer of this post needs to talk to his

its fake because it's NOT a composite of all those pictures. She's banking on the fact that psudo journalism like is gizmodo will not bother to composite the images themselves to verify if this is the result.

Actually if its just getting abstracted then we can sit back and watch the robots fight while we continue to negotiate based on who's winning

You don't inspire :'(

talk to your state about that. this is the national defense program.

loosing oxygen is generally life-threatening to most of us, ET ;)

if people are driving according to specifications, and things like gas pedals sticking start to happen, they DO get picked apart. Here the pilots are operating according to specifications and are experiencing life-threatening malfunctions. If gas pedals were sticking AGAIN, then you bet it would be absolutely

I laughed out loud uncontrollably, then burst into tears. :'(

Freaky is that the first 2 words after the article, in the related articles section were DOG SACRIFICES :-O

I see your point exactly. and it's true that the idea of God is no more difficult to believe than dna just magically springing together. The most outlandish idea is that the normal 4 forces in nature could have done it alone. That is false. If you prefer the "somehow, something different happend" approach than

apparently you took 101 and left it at that. "junk DNA" is an old, false idea. The result of people assuming that things were random so naturally most of it wouldn't work. Instead of a more useful idea that things are designed and thus we should investigate further about why/how the rest of it works. Read up on

yes, it is most definately a precise skill. It involves analyzing the flow of the topology, created by form texture and muscle, and designing a polygonal structure that follows the major flows, and then connects the various patches together in a way that averages polygon area. If you dont do it right, the lighting

what what? you didn't realize human dna is 3000000000 elements long? or that the scientifically tested minimum possible dna for a living, self-replicating organism is about 400,000 "rungs" on the double helix ladder. What are the odds that if you dumped a truckload of dice out of a dump truck they would ALL land on

When you walk into modern schools all over the western world, they sit there are tell the "exactly" how it happened. They don't say "we don't know". They just lie, since the physical forces they say made it happen do not in real observable physics do anything of the sort.

i was working on physical dna visualizations until i calculated that a strand of the entire human dna sequence is 3000000000 rungs on the dna ladder and thus at even 1 mm per rung, it would stretch over 1000 miles! It shocks me what people who think a precisely coded strand of hundreds of thousands of molecules just