I mean, “correlation =/= causation” in a broad sense is a true statement. However, correlation is pretty much always a necessary indicator for causation.
I mean, “correlation =/= causation” in a broad sense is a true statement. However, correlation is pretty much always a necessary indicator for causation.
Recidivism rates decline as ex-convicts age. People get older, and their hormones get under control, they gain some perspective, and they realize there’s not enough life left to live to live it violently.
Isn’t that the plot of Deus Sex Machina?
Keep in mind that the 17% is the cumulative effect of the algorithm and judge recommendations that at times contravene the algorithm.
Some of this is disturbing. Other parts of it aren’t particularly shocking, and I think some of what we find disturbing are intimations that should make us question our beliefs. All the algorithm is doing is taking attributes, and sorting and sifting that data against recidivism rates, trying to parse out noisy…
I really can’t find a strong selling point for playing games that you can largely get on other platforms already for around the same price. Stadia’s for tech-savvy people, but it’s likely they already own an easier way to play these games.
You know, back in the day, they could have just sent him on the next campaign to fight the savages abroad and had him stay to “govern” the country if he survived the affair.
Felicity Huffman doesn’t owe anyone anything. Nobody does!
So lately, I’ve realized I have what I would consider a “top shelf” in my gaming library. All-time favorites that I can sink meaningful time into at least once a year, with games very rarely making it to that shelf or being removed from it.
Even then, I’d add it to my Steam library, click over to download it, and given the alphabetical sorting of my Steam library, as I moved my mouse closer to it I’d think to myself “Wait, why the fuck am I going to eat Squirrel on a Stick when there’s a perfectly aged, seasoned and ready to eat gourmet Brahmin Steak…
I love Fallout 76. Wanna know why?
How you going to write about this dinner and not mention the fact that judges attending it are violating the judicial code of conduct? The Federalist Society is a fundamentally political organization.
I’m not “automatically assuming” they do, I’m just saying that it’s not nearly so easy to assure that they don’t as is being intimated here.
age 16 where the believe that a 16 year old cannot change is absurd.
Isn’t this around the time in her life where she should be returning to her first love?
and hetero people in relationships often avoid them because their partners have that perception.
Any sort of debate about the value of an actor/comedian’s services in court is going to be settled based on quantity, specifically in terms of the number of eyeballs drawn, not quality.
She doesn’t even have to be single. As a father of 3, the last thing I want to be messing around with when my wife is ready to pop or right after we’ve had a newborn is Christmas decorations. There’s eight bazillion other things to do, even with two parents.
(Standard disclaimer: there is no Friend Zone, there are just people who don’t want to date or sleep with you.)
No dispute that the campaign is complete nonsense, and I agree more than pretty much anyone around here I suspect about her capabilities.