
Stick to feminist theory and fashion articles!

they have no interest in growing the women’s soccer league because they’ve already decided it’s an afterthought unworthy of their time

For me, it’s the moment that the earnestness of Hanks’ belief in the importance and applicability to all Americans of the message Miller whispers at the end to Ryan: “Earn this” pierces through the screen almost as clearly as if he had broken the 4th wall to state it directly.

In re: Warren, I had honestly settled on her until she released her M4A funding plan. Vox did an excellent walkthrough of just how hard her plan yanks all of the revenue and cost assumptions to be as rosy as possible in order to assert that she will be able to “pay” for the plan without middle class tax hikes, and

It’s not her politics or her competency for me, it’s the baggage.

Over the years, I’ve lost all interest in almost every film that romanticizes American patriotism or exceptionalism. I grew up and got more mature, and realized that, while I don’t think America is exceptionally evil, I do think that the fact that America has the most raw power in the world isn’t something to be

your Marx jokes get much funnier when you’ve slogged through Das Kapital

The people being like “X or Y militant leftist was a Boomer” are not making the point they think they’re making. How did it go for them? They get along with their cohort? Or did they, like, flee their entire society on pain of death?

The only good fake English accent is a heavily cockneyed one, followed by assertions that you know this is how regular folks in Britain actually speak because you saw it on My Fair Lady, all in a shameless attempt to drive those limey redcoats up a wall.

I’ve found a pretty good way to introduce people to the game is to introduce them to the simplest way to play successfully and then encourage them to explore.

If Dragon Age: Origins is up your alley and you want something similar but logically evolved then get Divinity: Original Sin. It’s not super recent, but it’s still great.  Follow that up with Divinity: Original Sin 2.

I’m not sure what sort of recordings would be necessary to convince Dirty Mitch to take the same gander on down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that Barry Goldwater did to get Nixon to resign, but I feel like the bar is considerably higher in the post truth world of 2019.

Not to mention all the Floyd Mayweather ball gargling and the whole “We have to look at how women who get beat by their men can avoid making them angry” Ray Rice debacle.

It might be the only thing he hates more than domestic violence victims.

Derulo, who is playing Rum Tum Tugger in the forthcoming film, was on Kelly Clarkson’s weird talk show talking about cats and presumably some other stuff, though that feels less important to me after viewing this clip, for this is when I learned that Jason Derulo attended “cat school” to learn how to be a cat.

In all likelihood, Youtube is operationally profitable, but because of prodigious investment in expansion, doesn’t show a profit at a segment level, that, as you note, Google doesn’t disclose specifically in it’s 10-Qs.

I haven’t played those games, so Stadia would probably be a fine value up front for a few months for me because cobbling together a purchase of those games at the price of the stadia controller and a subscription would take a long time,  but yeah, after that, they’d have to have a steady stream of new content.

But I doubt it’s as bad as actually binge drinking.  While accruing sleep debt can result in long term damage, doing it for 30 days while you are young and then giving yourself a chance to catch back up afterwards probably isn’t the same as binge drinking yourself towards alcoholism.

Here I am, minding my own business, sharing my opinion in a thread I started, and then you came into this thread and said that it hurt your fee-fees when other people, at their own expense and on their own time decorated their own property as they saw fit.