
So long as you maintain discipline about the number of times you hit her when there is an opening the grab is not an issue. What IS an issue on the other hand is escaping her spinning attack when she switches into her second mode. It’s just spins-for-days longer than your stamina bar can hold out.

The polls that were off by amounts within the margin of error in an election that Al Gore lost by a razor thin, potentially even non-existent had the SCOTUS not voted how it did, margin?

And yet from June forward they’ve oscillated between 25-30%. The biggest part of his decline came as his post announcement boom faded and Elizabeth Warren rose.

“Then why are you not with them in Parliament not sorting out the mess that you have created?” the man shot back, before being escorted out by security. “Why don’t you sort it out, Boris?” Double yikes.

Not a single Sanders supporter as you understand them, living in an echo chamber surrounded by people who are not representative of how the bulk of the Democratic primary electorate looks or thinks.

From June forward his polling’s been between 25-30% consistently.  

Well, maybe, except maybe a part of the problem is that the way the narrative is being framed here is lazy and inaccurate (or maybe it’s intentional propaganda, you be the judge). It is simply not true to call Biden “Republican lite”.

No, it’s that personal and petty politics engender the sort of bitterness that causes people to not want to do what is necessary after the primary, which is vote for whoever emerges from it.

That’s what you aren’t looking for. Biden’s polling and polling about the broader Democratic electorate suggests that you are in a minority on that front.   If that’s not something you can stomach dealing with, there’s the door.

I’d have figured that Lockheed’s firewalls would block Splinter but apparently not.

I disagree. I think broadly speaking that’s true of the White House, but I do think there are specific truths that Trump holds on to. Not because of a complex or nuanced understanding of reality but because these are truths that can be figured out via even the gut sense of a nigh on senile 70+ year old moron like Trump

There’s a reason he doesn’t do that, and that’s because anyone with half a brain would just start yelling “F35! F35!” over and over again until he piped down and resumed quietly gargling Lockheed Martin’s balls over in the corner.

But if Sanders wants to put some distance between himself and the other frontrunners, it wouldn’t hurt to fall back on his most underutilized strength: his distrust of American imperialism and unwillingness to go to war.

You’re only doing it to Jesus if you do it to a homeless person.

I would say he definitely used his position as the head of the Moral Majority and founder of Liberty University to make his family filthy freaking rich enough to have to try and get to Heaven via the eye of the needle, which sort of seems ... a bit off for someone asserting they are a follower of a guy who told a rich

Was Biden himself whining about these insults? I didn’t really see that. He seemed to be largely unfazed and kept right on bumbling along as is.

Come on she’s 15. Let her pretend the world is simple for a bit longer.

For my money the fact that she would half ass a social media product shoutout is a credit to her. 

For my money, there’s only one way to win as a Democrat in deep red states, and that’s to have massive recognition, not just name but also genuine familiarity and comfort, and facially moderate politics.