Wait a min... There is more to the story than that. If she got thrown off for flying while black. why didn’t the rest of the black passengers get kicked off. Or is there something that was left out of the story?
Wait a min... There is more to the story than that. If she got thrown off for flying while black. why didn’t the rest of the black passengers get kicked off. Or is there something that was left out of the story?
This article is racism....... I hope people don’t believe this. It is divisive. Making people think they are victims when they are not is just wrong.
Come on man! You are a Ninny.
Did you work for Kett or Roush?
Those are wind boards. They normally have clear Plexiglas bolted to the grids for testing purposes.
I was there that day and there was a whole group of Miatas there as well as a bunch of Dune buggies driving slow.
They should revoke his Visa and send him back to Turkey.
Those were the Colorado edition Ford Fusions. I guess Ford was just trying out new markets.
The bias is injected right into the title. Jorge deliberately left out the illegal part in the title. Because “Ice swept up 367 illegal immigrants in raids across the country” would not have the desired affect.
This reads like we are only getting 1/2 of the story. I would agree from the limited information in this article that the child should not have been detained or even arrested/hand cuffed from reading what little is there to read. I suspect there is more to the story than what we have received so far.
Wait a min.... Did you read the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Order? The bill looks like needless government regulation to me. Most of regulations are covered by other laws.
If i were a famous person or politician I would not go out with another woman alone. Because you never know what they may say happened. It makes perfect sense the famous person or politician has more to loose and you never really know if someone may lie about what you did or said at that time.
Stop publishing this racist garbage! Let the hate go and be happy.
I did that in my Corvair and it was a blast.
The EPA needs a good drop kick. They have become a far too political and have been implementing far too many regulations that are killing american farmers and businesses.
When the purchase price and range\ability equals that of and ICE vehicle. The premise that governments are attempting to create an unnatural demand for a product is (to borrow a Tesla term) LUDICROUS.
Just what the city governments ought to do. Spend large amounts of taxpayer money on unproven technology that may or may not do as good of a job as fossil fuel based vehicles its replacing, just because they disagree with the president. WTF why let your city or state play with your tax money in-order to spite the…
The reason he did not know what was going on was because he was in the later stages of hypothermia. In the later stages your brain does not function normally and you will do crazy things. People have gone inside to warm up then for some reason they go back into the cold and take all their clothes off and die. I bet he…
This article was a waste of time. I wish I hadn’t read it. Rosie is a fat pig and Hillary was a nasty woman. I wish Gizmodo would publish less crap like this article.