
Wow this article really oozes hate and bigotry. Its a shame it was published. Articles like this are loosing Kinja Media readers.

This article is garbage! Why publish this crap?

This was garbage!!!!!!!! Why publish it??

No one with 1/2 a brain believes these articles are 100% factual.

I agree. You would think the past lawsuits would have reminded them that facts matter and opinion and lies will get you in trouble.

Your right.

Good! We some terrorists and the some of the people associated with them. At least the blood was on their soil and not ours. It sucks that we lost one of our seals, but perhaps several American lives were saved by: A. Killing these terrorists and their associates. B. others viewing this event and being deterred from

Emission standards, park sensors, back up cameras, air bags, anti lock brakes, traction control, tire pressure monitoring, seat belts, and soon to be crash avoidance devises are all “Regulations” that add to the cost of the vehicle. They all are done with good intent but not all are needed or absolutely necessary. The

I wonder what happened before the van flipped the biker off. There may be more to the story than what the you tube poster decided to post. Both drivers in this case are idiots. The issue started well before and should have ended before the bottle was thrown.

Reading this article was a waist of time. Please do your homework and find facts for us to read and keep your opinions to yourself, until they can be proven with facts. These types of articles are the reason trump won. A lot of Democrats read this stuff and believed that Hillary was going to win whether they voted or

Get over it and start writing articles that people want to read.

At least it is a proven tactic that has shown positive results in NYC. What has Hilliary proposed? Has Hilliary given us any ideas? Would you rather have stop and shoot, or keep up with the alleged racist tactics the police are using now? I hope Obama fixes it before he leaves office so all the violence and protests

I agree with Michael Turner. The police were less violent than the protesters. Its a shame the police even had to be their to protect peoples property from getting burned down and looted. If you pay attention to the videos you can see that there are a lot of ass holes there just trying to cause problems, knocking over

He at least had some other vehicles and a girlfriend worth keeping. Maybe he was doing the right thing and taking the car to a crusher, or someone who would appreciate it more. I wish I knew more about what he was going to do with the Miata.