Use Your Allusion

I went from hate-watching this show to liking it quite a bit. It looks wretched from any ads and the title is dumb, but it's fun to watch because you really tell the guys are genuinely good friends and are game to make each other other laugh.

His douchiness and disdain for common people has given me pause about reading/watching stuff with him before, but this is an interesting take on him being a good interviewer.

Having every actor be visible in every frame of the movie was another misstep.

"I actually kinda liked this?" RAVES Todd Vanderwerff on Twitter.

I did not know this and now I'm delighted.

Literally the only reference to "Pussy Galore" on all of is this sentence: "Along with correcting an annoying error about not closing my HTML tags (stupid, stupid me!), two stories were added to C. Barry Slough's section: "What is Pussy Galore, Alex?" and "The Six to Three Shift". You gotta read em."

I think it's one of the more consistent podcasts I listen to. Neil Campbell on Pizza Hut and In and Out stand out a bit as subpar, even though they would be tempting to try out if you are browsing.

Isn't The Worst Idea of All Time doing We Are Your Friends for their third season? This Flophouse episode makes it seem like that won't be a great choice.

Sounds like the LLC is for privacy reasons and not a tax dodge, but it's tough to tell from the writing. You can't avoid taxes just by using a LLC.

I loved the first episode, so it may just not be for you. I haven't gotten to the second one you mentioned. Gethard is pretty much completely nonjudgmental, even when the guest is being petty, so I can understand an interaction getting grating.

I've listened to the first four episodes of Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People over the last several days, and holy cow is it good. Chris Gethard is empathetic and interested in the guests and it leads to conversations that have not just twists and turns but self-actualization and catharsis. Highly recommended

I thought that Nemo show was great when I saw it last summer. The puppets were awesome and the performers were solid to outstanding.

You know those radio ads where two people with annoying voices yammer back and forth? I invented those.

You know what? Best Villain and Best Fight are fun ideas for awards.

You won't believe my luck, I was flipping through the channels the other day and they were showing a bunch of these back to back on TruTV! What a lucky find

Stormtroopers have shown to be completely incompetent at everything, at least in the original trilogy. See, Ewoks.

hep hep

"the Green album is cloyingly dull and safe to the point that it's actually quite sinister." I thought that the Green album is a secretly sad album hiding behind a poppy facade, but I like your interpretation, too.

Make Believe broke me as a Weezer fan. i thought Hurley was decent when I checked it out, but I think I only listened to it once or twice.

"If I won on Wheel of Fortune, I'd be all cool and suave about it. Not like this guy." —People complaining about this guy on here