Use Your Allusion

Modern Seinfeld is pretty hacky. They haven't posted since October 2015, I'd like to think Seinfeld2000 helped kill it off.

I also had it on my Netflix queue for quite a while. I think part of the reason I put it off was because I thought it was going to be cringey and uncomfortable to watch. Although there is plenty of cringe, it is very watchable and I basically want to be friends with all the characters.

This show does a great job of showing that arguing in front of a judge and jury is a very small part of lawyering and something that some lawyers never do. Not totally a counter-point to what you are saying, but it's pretty accurate, as others have pointed out.

Ooof, that Ouija episode of ONRAC was rough. I also gave up halfway through. It misses the balance of seriousness/investigation vs fun that the better episodes have.

"New No No! If you takes you half an hour to make my drink, I should be able to take half an hour to drink it."

I've been interested in this one but I haven't checked it out yet. How helpful is it to be familiar with the material they discuss?

I was more disappointed in it because I don't think it did small, personal things well. I never felt any panic or desperation or loneliness from Damon. It managed to fail to be epic or intimate.

The first one was a real pleasant surprise, so this should be fun.

9!? Jesus, 23 episodes is way too long for a season.

I'm pretty excited about the second season of Forged in Fire. It's such stupid fun.

While reading, I listened to "In the Mood" whenever it was mentioned. And when I played it for the last time for his reunion dance with Sadie… oh boy, it got pretty dusty in here.

Wow, I remembered Civilization II being a lot more advanced than it actually was.

They gave his standup album an A- in 2012. I'm not exactly sure what he expects from them.

"Man, I should get my mom on here so she can defend everything I say."
"I would love for Mrs. Mit—"

I haven't found this season to be more cringey than the first two. The worst for me was in Season 2 when Santa told kids they were babies if they didn't ask for a specific toy.


Rabin reviewed this and hated it!

Yeah, now you've managed to get me confused about how it works as well.

When Jessica was tracking the woman who came to her to investigate her husband (which turned out to be a plot because they hate superheroes), Jessica's narration explained that she was tracking her long enough to make sure that Kilgrave didn't compel her and that it wears off so that he would have to talk to her again.

I think they explained earlier that it takes a few hours to wear off.