Use Your Allusion

I was definitely worried the room was going to smell like sex when the box was opened.

I loved Nathan referring to an anatomical diagram of human organs while constructing the dough man so that he could accurately toss in a handful of sliced pepperoni in the abdominal cavity.

That's the way she spells it on her twitter.

Along with the guys from Worst Idea in the World! Which I just started listening to, and is great.

Yeah, the stuff with children puts me on the wrong side of the cringe-laughter divide. I agree with your highlights, though.

"When's your next mission? Two years?"
"Yeah, sure."

With a chubby, bewildered child right next to them.


Have to add a lot more grey to that logo then, amirite? (Seriously, Nathan seems to be going grey at an alarming rate.)

This piece alone justifies the existence of the AV Club. Wonderful.

Yeah, when it happened I imagined Sean being "Hey pop in for a second and I'll pretend to be mad at you" and not actually scolding them for being too loud off mic and on mic. So great.

That was Rowling retconning on a response to the problems of Quidditch that raises a bunch of other problems. It's such a fundamentally incoherent game that wasn't thought out well enough to support the prominence given to it.

I think Joey.blowey is fine with 2 episodes per week released on the same day, he would just prefer a separate place to discuss each. That isn't cost prohibitive, right?

A modern day "Steve, Don't Eat It!," if you will.

I'm pretty sure he meant it came back to life. I'm glad they didn't go there, but I was confused about a dead bird staying alive within a corpse for so long.

Jim Rash's exasperated anger cannot be beat.

I thought this season had the best use of him since Season 1. Embracing his chaotic evil and around the periphery.

Shirley not being part of Jeff's emotional-memory hot-wiring was legit upsetting.

Rabin bankruptcy joke. Will fill in the rest later.